Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
Leather Ad Volume 2-S
Larry Townsend
While a graduate student, working for his master’s degree in abnormal psychology, Larry Townsend first came upon the professional writings of Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing, and the glorification of debasement as extolled by the famous German writer, von Sacher-Masoch.
Fascinated by these accounts of erotic behavior, Mr. Townsend embarked upon an extensive research into the field of sadomasochism, conducting dozens of interviews and experiments to obtain an understanding of his widespread behavioral variation. As a result of these inquiries, the present work is possible. Here, the reader is permitted to view certain areas of human existence not readily seen by the average citizen. Written in the first person, the fictional, composite “M” tells his story, and reacts to a variety of situations, all fairly common within his secret world. Perverse?
Debased? Degenerate? Who is to know? Who is to judge? Criminal? Can there be a crime without a victim? Evil? The reader must decide for himself as he explores the underground of the underground, the world of homosexual Leather Sex.
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