Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

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Boy at the Y

Global Press


Curry Case



IGL-3 Boy at the Y

Category: Tag:

Boy at the Y

Global Press


Curry Case




“Let’s go down to the Wagon Wheel. I like to watch the dancing and I dig the music.”


The two boys walked toward Forty-Fifth Street, taking their time. Butch had one little doubt. What if the guy didn’t really have the bread? He could beat the shit out of him, of course, but that didn’t put any money in his pocket.

His doubts were over once they got seated at the table and the kid paid for the first round of drinks. He pulled out his wallet to pay the waitress and Butch’s eyes roamed over the contents. The guy had a ton of bread on him.

Butch drank his coke and listened to the kid try to talk over the sounds of the hard rock that was playing. “… and that’s how I came to New York.”

Butch hadn’t heard the first part, but he nodded his head and smiled. What the hell difference did it make? He really didn’t care what the kid had said. He just wanted to get the action started.

“Want to go?”

The kid shook his head ‘Yes.’ and they stood up from the table. Butch followed him out of the place, keeping his eyes down, not looking around. He wanted to get this over with.

“I don’t live far. We can walk it. Oh, by the way, my name’s Danny.”

“Mine’s Butch.”

They arrived at the kid’s pad in the West Fifties and Danny let them in. It was a huge studio, sparsely furnished, and in an old building. Butch wasn’t impressed. Now he was really determined to get his money in advance. You could never tell with a kid like this.

“Would you like another coke—or a drink or something?”

“No thanks. Let’s get to it, baby. I haven’t got all night.”

“The couch makes up into a bed. I’ll have it ready in a second.”

Butch watched while Danny pulled out the convertible sofa and got two pillows for them. Butch undressed carefully, as he always did. He was very neat and meticulous.

Danny was undressing, too, letting his clothing fall to the floor, getting himself naked as quickly as possible. He wanted this little hustler. He really wanted him! He was groovy and cute. He was hard, young, and masculine. He was all the things Danny really dug.

The two nude boys stood facing each other, their firm, young bodies reflecting the low lamplight in the apartment.


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