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Adventures of a High School Hunk Book Two


(same as BB-80024 and NIL-110)


Tom Hardy




HIS69-446 Adventures of a High School Hunk II

Category: Tag:

Adventures of a High School Hunk Book Two


(same as BB-80024 and NIL-110)


Tom Hardy





Adventures of a High School Hunk, Book Two are the further chronicles of Bucky Clark and Tippy Schroeder, both star athletes at their local high school. Their relationship is unique, though, and Tippy Schroeder acts as ringleader and catalyst. He likes to dominate—in a very sexual way.

Bucky, conversely, has learned, taught by Tippy, that he actually enjoys being mastered and humiliated, and that he is decidedly gay, having so suspected from the first time he discovered a national gay paper. It only remained for him to be brought out, and in Book One, Tippy obligingly did just that, with the help of a number of other jocks on a wrestling mat in the deserted gymnasium. It wasn’t a fair match, Bucky being the only receiver of humiliation and sexual advances, yet Bucky ultimately not only didn’t mind—he actually enjoyed it.

And now we return to these protagonists, plus a few new ones. The coach for instance…


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