Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
Hungup Hunk
Ronald Penn
Hungup Hunk
Ronald Penn
The Gay life is not always an easy one, especially when new contacts are sought. Lurking in the background before trust can be arrived at is that subtle fear of the unknown—or known, if rebuff is given, often accompanied by violence—that most crucial of questions: “Is he Gay? I want him—but is he Gay, and does he want me?” And this question can only be answered through the approach, that delicate, fraught-with-danger moment when one shows interest and declares, however hesitantly, and prays that the interest will be returned as fervently as it has been proffered.
This is the story of McGill, “Gilly”, Trak, and Derek. Their trials, tribulations, and joys, as they are bounced through life, sometimes to a soft landing in each other’s arms—and sometimes to a hard knock, at the hands of a bondage-bent demented chemistry teacher…
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