Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
Hard Driver
(same as DS-160, GAY-117, PF-121)
Peter Pepper
Hard Driver
(same as DS-160, GAY-117, PF-121)
Peter Pepper
Life is ephemeral. You can’t be sure, when you start for work in the morning, that you’ll ever see home again. Anything can happen.
A man starts out on his first vacation in three years, elated at the prospect of being reunited with an old and dear friend, only to discover that friend has disappeared. A stranger, in a strange city, surrounded by strangers.
What can he accomplish? Who can he trust? How can he find out what he needs to know? Is there any way he can find out what happened to his friend?
Hank Charleston’s holiday became a nightmare of confusion and misdirection. A good thing gone bad. A helpless, hopeless frustration gripped him, leading him close to disillusionment and despair. Only loyalty and determination supported him, kept him going, on the trail of hidden facts and shocking events he might have been happier to leave unfound.
Good sometimes goes bad. Can evil change to good? That was what Hank had to find out, the hard way, by living through the most unpleasant days of his life, a life not unused to the shocking and grim. As a newsman for a powerful television station Hank had seen his share of the bizarre and obscene, from war to child brutalizing parents, but nothing reached so close, nor touched so deeply as this, the peril in which he was hopelessly, personally to become involved.
Personal danger nor professional hazard meant little in the face of his loyalty and dedication to his missing friend. He had to find him, or find out what had happened to him. Nothing would get in the way. He knew he could never rest, never shave before a mirror again, if he let up in his relentless search for the truth, and a truth more profound than any ever before sought in his professional capacity.
The reality of life, the need for truth, from outside and from within, the facing of reality in our day to day progress through life. That’s what Hank Charleston’s story is about, and what we are all seeking through the coils of fiction through which we slog every day.
Hank found his answers, the hard way, which perhaps is, after all the only way to achieve anything of real and lasting value.
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