Category: Tag:

Prison Pluggers


(same as PF-105)


Lary St. John



HIS69-163 Prison Pluggers

Category: Tag:

Prison Pluggers


(same as PF-105)


Lary St. John




The problem of homosexuality in our prisons has caused tidal waves of controversy ever since Genet’s influence on public consciousness. Many people refuse to accept the fact that a problem does, indeed, exist. Victorian mortality breeds Victorian ignorance, with the result that nobody seems to face the matter squarely except the prisoners themselves. And they have no choice.

While rapes, beatings, and even murders are reported to responsible magazine publishers who try to bring the truth to the populace, the newspapers turn a notoriously deaf ear to these incidents, with only the cases involving well-known prisoners (like Leopold and Loeb) getting adequate coverage. It is small wonder that prisoners throughout the United States are beginning to think of themselves as the Twentieth Century’s “forgotten men.”

In this story by Jack Stone, BRUCE, the key character, tells the story of his confinement in the first person, bringing a greater sense of immediacy to his account of incidents involving the inmates and trustees of a prison in the Southern part of the country. While the specific incidents and characters are drawn from the writer’s imagination, the climate and atmosphere are nonetheless factual, and stories of a similar nature have been related from San Quentin to Sing Sing.

Travel behind the bars with our storyteller and learn facts that very few are privileged to know in our cloistered world of reportage. You’ll identify with many of the inmates, possibly you’ll realize that prison life is, in some ways, a scale model of the world we live in. And when you walk back into the sunlight, the memory of what you saw and heard and felt will prepare you for a life of fuller understanding and greater tolerance.

Many people draw sharp distinctions between “crime” and “vice”. Vices are generally regarded as victimless crimes, and certainly homosexual deviations should fall into this category. But what about “forced” homosexuality? While this crime festers in our penal institutions like an untreated wound, politicians and administrators continue to hide the truth behind closed doors.

Many of the solutions to the problems contained in these pages may seem unsatisfactory to you, but remember that prisoners are left on their own to discover them with little help from a society that prefers to ignore unpleasantness. Many of you will agree with the solutions. All of you will be stimulated to greater concern, and this is, after all, the writer’s only intention.

Decide for yourself.


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