Category: Tag:

Hung Straight



Stuart Rowen



HIS69-158 Hung Straight

Category: Tag:

Hung Straight



Stuart Rowen




Question: Are homosexuals born or made? Answer: Does it really matter?

Almost every newspaper, magazine and television talk show has been beating this subject to death in the last year.

Are you in the public eye and lacking enough publicity this month? Take a stand for or against the Gay Liberation movement and watch how fast your clippings will mount.

Of course, either way you are bound to get a stack of hate mail. That’s the great American way.

There was a time on earth when Eros was a revered god and men were free to choose their mates by whatever needs and longings were in their souls.

The ancient Greeks had a word for the deep attraction that drew man to woman, woman to woman or man to man. The word my friends was love.

No one has yet explained to satisfaction why love alone is not enough to determine who will share my bed.

With the exception of a few exhibitionists, most people prefer to reach their climaxes in relative privacy. Why then should our neighbors care with whom we reach this blissful state? Is it just plain curiosity or could it be unadulterated jealousy?

It is possible that the leaders, past and present, of all the great nations on earth have enjoyed the feeling of power one might derive from being in a position to forbid mankind one of the few pleasures to be found in living? The pleasure of choosing one’s own lover?

Johnny Pauli is a young man who has very definite ideas about love and a family who loves him deeply enough to accept the mate his soul requires.

The fact that the boy he needs to complete his life is virgin, straight and too naive to recognize a gay when he meets one doesn’t deter him at all.

If faith can move mountains, then surely Johnny’s love can move an innocent boy’s heart to respond and return that love measure for measure. Isn’t that what life is really all about?

The need to love and be loved in return was probably the strongest motivating force in getting us down from the trees and out of our caves to mingle with our brethren.

Johnny Pauli was down from his tree, out of his cave and determined to mingle with the beautiful little Scotch boy named Graham Randell MacDuff.

Happily for Randy, Johnny Pauli always seemed to be a winner, and everyone knows that everyone loves a winner.


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