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Tight-End Ream



Gabe Garnett



HIS69-120 Tight-End Ream

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Tight-End Ream



Gabe Garnett




The homosexual’s role in American society is being accepted as a result of the studies of Dr. A. C. Kinsey almost twenty years ago and a multitude of books, papers and pamphlets since then.

The usual portrait of the male-oriented man is that he is a wispy, not-quite-right deviate. Slowly, however, this stenotype has begun to shatter as we recognize that sexual proclivities and physical appearances are not necessarily concommitant factors. There is no reason to accept a time-worn fiction that the homosexual is limited to certain business activities, certain life-styles, certain cities or ghettos within those cities. Faced with evidence that ten percent or more of the population may be termed as homosexual in orientation, it is only reasonable to expect a divergence of interests, abilities and achievements comparable to the balance of society as a whole.

Historically, men have found a fascination for and satisfaction in physical competition, whether on an amateur or a professional basis. The sport-hero is often as widely acclaimed as any leader in the political, social or industrial arenas.

Here again, there is no reason to believe that a man’s sexual orientation should affect his ability to excel, even though that weary stereotype of the homosexual would lead some to scoff.

In Tight-End Ream, we have the autobiography of a professional football player who also happens to be a homosexual. Gabe Garnett is not the author’s true name, as he is careful to point out, and his story is a highly personal one. He details his experiences in the male-oriented world of competitive sports, both amateur and professional, a world in which he has become accepted as (in his own words) “a queer.”

An honest autobiography cannot be written without the author’s revealing a great deal about himself as well as about those with whom he is in contact. Garnett does this with total frankness and candor. One may not agree with some of his actions or beliefs, but one cannot help recognizing his honesty in presenting them.

In the belief that the Garnett story is a unique insight into a part of the sport world the fan does not see from his seat in the stands or in front of his television set, we at Surrey House Inc. are proud to continue our tradition of publishing adult literature that will add to our understanding of others as well as of ourselves.


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