Category: Tag:

Steamroom Stroker


(same as GAY-147)


D.H. Love




HIS69-036 Steamroom Stroker

Category: Tag:

Steamroom Stroker


(same as GAY-147)


D.H. Love





We were delighted to receive D. H. Love’s Steamroom Stroker because his previous HIS 69 novel, Brownout (HIS6922), was such an exciting success in the gay book stores across this nation. Naturally, we expect the same fast-paced sales for Steam room Stroker… the really sexciting tale of three men at the tubs…  the steam baths “for men only” that barely keep from being all-out orgy palaces.

If you happened to miss his Brownout, copies of it are still available direct from the publisher, via mail order, using the coupon at the end of this book.

Every man knows about the steam baths, and exactly what goes on inside the foggy interior where acres of naked, aroused man-flesh seem to stretch out forever and, looking in any direction, more genitals are blatantly openly displayed than anywhere else, including a nude beach, because within the steam baths, absolutely anything goes.

Stranger to stranger, friend to friend… on a man-to-man basis or, if you prefer, in groups and multiple combinations that actually stagger the imagination and, for a while, threaten to submerge you totally under nothing but hard, thrusting, solid flesh… hair fringed and hair ringed and brutally direct.

And satisfying… to the three men at these particular tubs.

If you have never had the experience, or if you are just ready to enter into your first fog-filled grope parlor… whatever the case, you will definitely find Steamroom Stroker a positive aid in planning your own avenues of attack, or in preparing your own special responses ahead of time. In any case, D. H. Love has done it for you in a fashion that very few gay writers would dare attempt.


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