Incest-Brothers and Brothers

Human Experience


Preston Harriman



HES-117 Incest-Brothers and Brothers

Incest-Brothers and Brothers

Human Experience


Preston Harriman




“I was lying in bed, feeling drowsy after the day at the beach, and was just about to fall asleep when I felt Jim’s hand slide across my leg and start feeling between the folds of my pajamas. At the same time, he moved closer to me and put his other arm around my shoulders. I must have jumped, because he whispered in my ear, ‘Lay still, I’ll make you feel good.’ Then I felt his fingers close around my penis, and a forbidden excitement flooded my body.”

“I had always been close to Jim. We had shared the same bedroom ever since we were kids. He was only a year older than I was, and all through school, we did everything together. He was my big brother, and I felt he could do no wrong. So when I felt him grope me and start playing with my penis, I just lay still, not knowing really what to do. We had horsed around in the showers all our lives, the way kids do, but that was harmless fun. Now, I knew Jim’s intentions were not just for fun; he was serious.”

“ ‘Come on, Bob, I’ll show you how to jack off,’ he whispered, ‘You’re old enough now.’ Then I realized why he was doing what he was; we had talked that day at school about girls, and Jim boasted that he could come, and he had looked at me and said that it wouldn’t be long before I could, too. ‘When you’re thirteen, you should be able to,’ he said.”

“I knew he could, because one morning he had shown me the stains on the sheets where he’d had a wet dream the night before. I wasn’t too interested, really, and because both of us were so active in sports, we usually hit the sack and fell asleep each night out of sheer exhaustion. But Jim had always been more aggressive than I was, more daring in many ways which is why I admired him so much, as well as loving him because he was my brother.”

“We shared the same room, but not the same bed. We each had a single bed, but this night it was bitterly cold. The central heat must’ve been on the blink, because after lying shivering, we agreed to bundle together for warmth. I thought nothing of it because we had slept together often as kids without anything sexual happening; yet now it was, and consciously, too. Jim was playing with me, and I was responding. I could feel myself getting stiff as his fingers massaged my foreskin back and forth.

‘You want to feel me?’ he whispered, ‘I got a real good hard-on.’ Not wanting to disappoint him, I reached over and grabbed his cock, which was like a rock, sticking out of his pajama pants, and as I touched it, I could feel it throbbing and jerking. Jim had a cock about the same size as mine, only it was thicker, and the head was larger and flatter. Once for kicks, we measured each other’s organ, and then placed them side by side to compare the difference. We were only about ten or eleven then, I remember, and it was just part of the curiosity of growing up which all kids experience.

Now, feeling him, I had a different reaction, a very exciting and thrilling sensation. Something deep inside told me we shouldn’t be doing this, but my lifelong compradeship for my brother silenced my conscience. If Jim wanted to jack off, that was fine. It was between us and no one else. Why shouldn’t we? I had often wondered how it would be like, the very first time I experienced orgasm, and if Jim was going to show me how, I could think of no one I would rather have teach me the finer arts of masturbation.

My heart was pounding wildly, and I felt his one arm around my shoulders pull me closer to him, and his lips caress my cheek. ‘You know how to kiss?’ he asked softly, and then his mouth closed over mine and his tongue rubbed against my lips, forcing itself inside. My head was spinning; I’d heard about french kissing, but had never tried it. Now it was happening to me, and with my own brother! A new surge of warmth flooded my body, and I pushed my tongue against his, and we lay close, enjoying the exquisite sensations that seemed to suffuse every pore. He broke away for a second, and whispered, ‘Play with the skin over the head, real slow and easy.’ I did as he directed, and he did the same, and if he felt the way I did, I knew he must be floating. I never thought it could feel so good. I pulled his skin, which was long and loose, and stretched it over his flat, throbbing head, then squeezed it gently, and then pulled it back with my hand around his whole shaft, up and down, and his hands did the same to me. We even were jerking in rhythm, up and down together, and his cock was getting harder, or so it seemed, just as mine felt like it was about to burst out of itself. I began trembling, and for the first time in my life, I felt that strange, undeniable, not-to-be-stopped surge from deep inside. Jim must have sensed it, because he whispered to me, ‘You coming?’ All I could do was make a little sound in my throat. It felt so good, and then just as I shot off, I felt the warm fluid spurt out of his penis into my hand, and run down between my fingers. As it happened, Jim’s mouth closed quickly over mine and his tongue went wild and his body writhed against me. Instinctively I held him with my other arm, and we lay together, breathing heavily, and relaxing slowly. After a few seconds he kissed me lightly. ‘Good, huh?’ he asked, and I nodded. ‘When can we do it again?’ I asked, and he laughed softly. ‘In a little while,’ he said, ‘If you don’t fall asleep first.’ As it happened, we did fall asleep in each other’s arms, but after that, Jim and I had sex fairly regularly. I had always been curious about it, but I never dreamed it would be my older brother who showed me how.”


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