
All Our Brothers

Gay Incest


(same as GI-150)



GI-222 All Our Brothers


All Our Brothers

Gay Incest


(same as GI-150)




Warren Marston, M.D. must have been about thirty. He’d done his internship when we’d been in grammar school and, his father being best friends with my own dad, he’d treated our family all the time I’d been in high school.

He knew my testicles backward and forward. One time, our coach’s blocking scheme had collapsed and three huge linemen caught me in the backfield; one of them kneed my balls. Doc Marston had made them feel better but, it seemed to me, he’d felt of them more than he’d absolutely had to.

We hadn’t any reason for nakedness during the first part of the exam; all Marston did was take our pulses and check our blood pressures. Brian squirmed when he checked us for hernias. Then came the fun part.

“You first, Kevin,” he said. I knew what he meant; Marston was big on prostate exams.

I grinned at Sean. “Just make sure he uses his finger,” I said, and I bent myself in front of the sink.

Doc greased me good and slid inside. What was supposed to be a prostate exam was as good a finger-fuck as I’d ever felt. I hardened instantly.

Above the sink, a mirror gave me a view of the other three. Sean was grinning. Jason looked confused. Brian looked horrified. “What’s going on?” Brian asked.

Marston didn’t answer. Pushing deep inside of my ass he found my prostate and gave it a poke; I leaked and doubled up across the countertop.

“Jeez,” I groaned. “What the hell did you do that for?”

“Sorry,” he said. He didn’t sound sorry. “Just trying to make sure.”

Make sure of what, I wondered. But he was taking out his finger, and I didn’t want him making surer.

Sean went next. When Marston had switched to a new rubber glove, he lubed Sean up and fingered his butt. Wriggling like an eel, Sean slid backward, impaling himself on Marston’s finger.

I was putting on my shorts, hoping that no one had spotted my juice. But I’d wasted my time; my cream stained the cloth where my cock-tip rested.

Jason groaned.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“It’s incredible. Look at the cum dripping out of Sean’s dick.”


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