Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
Richard’s Brother
Golden Boy Books
Lambert Wilhelm
Richard’s Brother
Golden Boy Books
Lambert Wilhelm
Taboo: a prohibition imposed by social customs, i.e., incest and homosexuality.
Yet, Freud held that there was from infancy a strong natural instinct to incest; and, Havelock Ellis in his “The Sexual Impulse in Children,” as it appeared in A.M. Krich’s MEN, states that man has “no anti-incestuous instinct, no natural aversion…”
Freud on homosexuality in his “Sexual Life of Man” as it appeared in MEN: “We are bound, in fact, to regard the choice of an object of the same sex as a regular type of offshoot of the capacity of love, and are learning every day more and more to recognize it as especially important.” And, Norman Kiell in THE UNIVERSAL EXPERIENCE OF ADOLESCENCE:
“Kinsey’s data, as has been frequently pointed out, throw considerable doubt on the assumption that homosexuality is… abnormal in the United States.”
“There are,” continues Kiell, “many other examples throughout history: ancient Greece and subsequently Rome sanctioned homosexual practices; the Emperor Hadrian freely celebrated his love for Antinous;
Frederick the Great of Prussia was also a homosexual; the list could be extended readily. But perhaps this is sufficient evidence to indicate the widespread homosexual activity found in a whole variety of cultures.”
If, then, incest and homosexuality are not really abnormalities, are in fact even natural impulses, why has society so consistently made rules and regulations prohibiting their practice?
It has been suggested by many experts, among which is included Havelock Ellis, that such taboos were established as a means of protecting the adequate propagation of the species. Incest, on the one hand, is unlikely to produce the best offspring, and, homosexuality results in no offspring at all.
However, in this day and age, when it is not underpopulation but over-population which is the main conc ern of a species fighting for its survival, are the old taboos any longer valid?
Richard and Chris O’Hara, brothers in the following novel, would have to say these restrictions no longer do—or should—apply.
Read, then, of how these two attractive young brothers, separated for years because of fears bred into them by an out-of-touch society, come together finally to thwart archaic taboos and revel in the exquisite joy and sensuous discovery of incestuous homosexuality.
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