Category: Tag:

Cop Come

Gay Novel

(same as HIS69-096)


Joseph Marrs



GAY-189 Cop Come

Category: Tag:

Cop Come

Gay Novel

(same as HIS69-096)


Joseph Marrs




Modern attitudes toward sex have changed radically. What we were taught in high school or college is outmoded by the time we finish the next step in our education. What is not taught is the group sex instinct. It is ignored. Monogamous society has to put it down in order to continue with the status quo, but the instinct is there, ignored or not.

The group sex phenomenon is indigenous to the human spirit. Communal sex is part of human nature. It appeals to our secret society snob appeal. The idea of one man with one partner is relatively recent in the development of man. Our ancestors spawned our other ancestors out of communal marriage. Tribes lived together in one shelter until very recently. Those who proudly trace their family trees can only trace them for a few hundred years at best.

What is the group instinct? What is this drive to share one’s sexual joy with more than one person? Cop Come strives to provide some of the answers to this perplexing question. Throughout history the group urge has existed in every society, heterosexual and homosexual. This book is an individual tracing of that urge in one homosexual dwelling in a large American city.

Are its partakers so-called normal people? Publicity about suburban “swapping couples” gives the impression they are bored and seeking some diversion. But in the promiscuous metropolitan gay society, boredom can not be the reason. There must be another explanation. The author hopes Cop Come will dispel the fear of the unknown in the area of group sex by providing part of that explanation.

With knowledge comes understanding, and Cop Come hopes to contribute to human understanding.


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