Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
Queens of the Quarter
French Line
(same as R-1026)
William B Tressner Jr
Queens of the Quarter
French Line
(same as R-1026)
William B Tressner Jr
Danny met some real characters in the old French quarter. Take Daisy Mae, the big blonde stud with a penal record who always wore drag…
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The deserted, narrow, old-brick streets glisten with early morning dew. The squat, sagging stone and brick buildings, fronted by black iron grillwork, are reflected in miniature in the puddles standing in the stone curbings. The cold slate-gray sky forms a backdrop.
A street sign with old French lettering encased in the tile slabs marks the corner of Bourbon and St. Ann. The antique shops along Rue Royal and the cabarets along Bourbon are tightly locked and dark.
The silence of dawn is broken by the resounding clop-clop of footsteps on the pavement. A lone man, without identity, walks lightly down Bourbon and turns into a back street. He disappears from sight but his movement can be traced by the echoing steps he takes. Where is he going? From whence did he come? He himself does not know the answer.
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