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Male for Male

Edka Books


Joe Sc Smith



EK-131 Male for Male

Category: Tag:

Male for Male

Edka Books


Joe Sc Smith




An amazing documentary on the secret sickness of a way of life of male for male laid bare from the very personal and traumatic experiences of those that defame their sex.


“What was your first sexual experience? And how old were you when you had it—and where did it occur?”

He laughed again. “I’ll be honest, Joe. It occurred in Watson’s barn. I went over one Sunday to visit a neighbor kid, Mike Watson. His mother told me he was down the barn. Mike never heard me come in. For one thing, he was too occupied. He had his little jenny mule in a stall. He had a saddle on her. He stood on a box behind the mule, hanging onto the saddle—strings—and he was really giving little jenny the works!”

“Did you then follow suit?”

“Why not? He was my friend. There was plenty of Jenny to go around. We spent the afternoon taking turns at Jenny. Lou knew, I believe that damned little mule liked it! And you know, I’ve had women who were a worse piece than Jenny, and I mean that.”

“How old were you then?”

Henry thought, dark eyebrows pulled down. “I believe I was in the eighth grade that spring. I was fourteen, then. I know I could have an orgasm. I’d been playing with myself about a year. You know, this world is full of damned liars, Joe!”

“In what particular way?”

“I’ve talked to men who’ve told me they never played with themselves. That, to me, is just a lie. I remember when I was about sixteen I heard all this junk about if a boy plays too much with himself his brain gets soft and he goes nuts. Well, I decided to quit playing with myself, “cause I was scared stiff.”


“Well about, a week later I had a wet dream. I woke up with a handful. I’d helped myself in my sleep. And that to me is the same as masturbation, isn’t it? So I went back to my hand.”

“How long after that was it till you had a girl?”

“Only about six weeks. I was necking this eighth grade girl hard. After school we’d meet in the woods. Well, we necked. We pushed hips together. Finally, we were on the ground. We were both so excited it was like two rabbits—wham, bam, thank you ma’am. And you know what?”


“I remember thinking that the mule was better than that girl. And the mule couldn’t have a kid.”


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