Getting Hard

Driveshaft Library

(same as SSS-117)


Stan Bennet



DS-145 Getting Hard

Getting Hard

Driveshaft Library

(same as SSS-117)


Stan Bennet




Growing up can be the shits. Sure, a guy looks back on those times with a kind of cotton candy glow, but when it’s happening, it can be a confusion of shifting from boy to man, arms and legs growing, glands working overtime, sex raising its cockhead at the drop of a four-letter word.

You’ve probably read books about teenagers who discovered male sex in a moment of rapture, instantly, totally. And you’ve probably read about the street-wise boy who couldn’t wait to sell his prick or ass at the age of nine or ten for a nickel or a dime, fifteen cents for overtime. Good reading, but cotton candy!

Growing up is not cotton candy. It’s the honest account of how one youth matured, sometimes funny, sometimes frightening, always truthful. The writer goes back to those days when he discovered his prick could be used for other things than pissing, his guilt and pleasure, his coming-of-age as a man. Perhaps you can be honest enough to look back and admit the same things.

We’re dedicated to bringing you the very best in male fiction and non-fiction. Our editors are constantly searching for the kind of reading we know you enjoy, and we expect your comments, good, bad or indifferent.


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