12 Inches

Driveshaft Library


John Anderson



DS-112 12 Inches

12 Inches

Driveshaft Library


John Anderson




“Long before Oscar Wilde went to jail for ‘the love that dared not speak its name,’ ” says Jess Steam in THE SIXTH MAN, “the Anglo-Saxon world was embarrassed by even the mention of homosexuality… Two generations have passed since the names of Wilde and Lord Alfred Douglas were linked together. Homosexuality is now much more open in many social areas, and it certainly has more acceptance.

And that begrudging acceptance by society has actually allowed some gays to grow to relative maturity without being so much concerned with what they do in the bedroom as they are concerned simply with the sometimes difficult day-to-day chore of living.

Thus, the characters in the following novel, though they are gay, could just as easily be straight. For their primary concerns—beyond the sexual—do not arise so much because these people are homosexuals as they do because these young men have the same “other” basic drives of their heterosexual counterparts. Such needs as to be liked, to be accepted, to belong. All of which, according to Norman Kiell in THE UNIVERSAL EXPERIENCE OF ADOLESCENCE, “are universal feelings.”

The following, then, is a story of four young men brought together for a time in a Northwestern forest, searching for traces of the illusive Sasquatch monster thought by many to exist in the region. Two of the party have sighted the monster on a previous occasion. One believes in the Sasquatch, without having ever seen it. And, it is the fourth’s skepticism regarding the existence of the creature, plus his somewhat patronizing manner toward those who do believe, that is the cause of the friction, attempted fraud, and betrayal that eventually does take place in this isolated stretch of wilderness.

Yes, these people are gay; but, they could very well be either you or me, attempting to successfully run the gauntlet of interpersonal relationships. After all, as says Wayne J. Anderson, M.D., in HOW TO UNDERSTAND SEX, in pointing out that it is a misconception that the homosexual’s primary interest in life is purely bodily sexual gratification: “Individuals who practice homosexuality vary in their desire for overt sexual relations as do persons whose orientation is heterosexual. Homosexuals receive gratification from a wide variety of interpersonal relationships.”


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