Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

Daddy’s Coming

Hommi Extreme


Braden Cole

read the first chapter HERE



Daddy’s Coming

Daddy’s Coming

Hommi Extreme


Braden Cole

read the first chapter HERE



Poor Herman–he’s miserable at home. He loves his sons, but his wife’s being a bitch and the sex is terrible. The only people he really spends much time around are the boys he has to talk to in his job as a welfare interviewer. The stories the boys tell of sex and all-out incest start to get to him–and not in his heart. But, because of those boys, he comes to realize just how much he really does love his sons.


Frank felt awfully funny climbing into bed with his little brother and doing what he’d been told. Yet it was kind of groovy, he had to admit. He saw Josh naked often enough that he wasn’t as turned on by the sight of his nakedness as his dad was, but the touching of his younger boy’s skin was stimulating.

He rubbed Josh’s arms and tummy, anxious to see what certain more intimate places would feel like, but still a bit shy about it. When Herman came into the room, Frank could tell at once by the expression on his face that he loved seeing the two of them together there in the bed. Also his dad’s cock was swelling, even though he hadn’t yet laid a finger on either one of them. It made Frank feel very sexy and grown-up to see that his daddy could be excited so much just by seeing him.

As soon as Herman was in bed, he sped things up. He lay watching, telling Frank what he wanted done, and Frank did it.

“Not just his arms and tummy,” he corrected, “feel between his legs like I did you. And give those little nipples a kiss too. Do the same things to him you’d like to have somebody do to you.”

Frank began complying with his dad’s directions but only got as far as kissing his brother’s chest before his little brother started waking up.

Herman egged Frank on, telling him to keep it up and just do what he wanted to. He was going to keep quiet so Josh wouldn’t know he was in on things for a while. And as an incentive, he reached around and wrapped his fingers around Frank’s prick under the covers, letting him know he’d do a lot more as things progressed.

Frank was excited but wary. It would certainly be the first time his brother had ever awakened to find anything like this going on in bed!

“Huh….” uttered Josh sleepily, “uh… umm? What’s that—hey, whatcha doing?”

His first thought was that Frank was simply playing some trick to make him wake up faster than he wanted to. Josh realized that his big brother’s hands were touching him in some strange places but he didn’t guess the purpose.

“Don’t. I don’t want to wake up yet,” he said, twisting his shoulders in irritation.

“Betcha would if you knew what I know,” Frank said mysteriously.

Josh was fully awake now. “What do you mean?”

“Just that there are certain little games I could show you,” he went on, teasing his interest.

Suddenly Josh realized that his brother’s hands were rubbing him, caressing him.

“Hey, that’s naughty,” he objected. “Better not let Daddy catch you fooling around like that. Get your hands out from under my pjs!”

“Daddy’s still asleep,” lied Frank, “he won’t know. Be still and lemme show you some things. It won’t kill you, dummy, and you just might like it.”


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