TC-235 A Fist Full of Miracles

TC-238 Mutual Palmistry

TC-242 A Hand in the Bush

TC-244 Lord of the Flys

TC-250 Pulling a Boner



Chance Kilgore Series Box Set

TC-235 A Fist Full of Miracles

TC-238 Mutual Palmistry

TC-242 A Hand in the Bush

TC-244 Lord of the Flys

TC-250 Pulling a Boner



A Fist Full of Miracles


John waited in the den until his gigantic peter was flaccid and after he had squeezed out the last reluctant drops from his urethra, he decided that it was time to join the other two. He walked out, making sure that his beautiful hose was swinging and bouncing enticingly and said, “You two should have balls made of ice by now! Don’t you think it’s time to come in?”

He discovered that his allegiance to normalcy had gone over to the other side as he hungrily devoured Morgan’s and Deke’s nakedness with his eyes. Why didn’t he just get it over and suggest a three-way? Why not call a spade a spade and indulge himself? He knew for sure that he was going to have a sucking bout with Deke later that night after he was sure Phyllis was asleep.

In a voice that he hardly recognized as his own, he asked, “How did you like it, Deke? Is it better than jacking off with me?”

“I’ll have to admit that it feels better, Dad—and it’ll feel just as good with you.”

“So you’ve got further plans already, huh?”

“You want me to do it to you, don’t you, Dad?”

“I’ll have to admit that it’s crossed my mind. You know that I watched the whole thing, don’t you?”

“Morgan told me.”

“And that didn’t stop you?”

“I figured that as long as you taught me to jack off, you wouldn’t mind me going a little further—you’ve always told me that sex was good and I wasn’t to be ashamed of it.”

“All right—since we’re all so buddy-buddy, would you do me a favor?”

“Sure, Dad—what?”

Slowly, John replied, “I’ve never had anyone suck my cock before—would you be the first?”


Mutual Palmistry


The coach’s beautifully chiseled, marble-like ass kept contracting and relaxing, attesting to the fact that his nuts contained a tremendous load. His hands kept milking Tag’s still rocky-hard tube as his convulsions died away. Slowly, he began pulling out of Tag’s distended asshole, moaning as the exquisite agony of the still clutching sheath tortured the nerve endings of his punishing weapon.

Deke had spurted his volcanic charges all over the tiled floor in front of him by now and tried to squeeze out the last few, tardy drops from his urethra with his thumb and forefinger. For a moment, he actually wanted them to catch him, but he decided against that and retreated to his bench where he picked up a discarded towel and wiped his cock and his right hand free from the viscous residue.

He was the picture of innocence when Tag and Coach Andrews walked from the shower with towels around their waists and pretending to talk seriously about basketball. “Deke—what are you doing here so early? Why aren’t you in class?” Andrews asked, surprised to see anyone in the locker room.

“My dad took me out for lunch and we were late in getting back so I just came to my next class,” Deke explained, trying not to look smug. He wanted them to know that he had seen them so he might join them the next time, but his courage fled. He did do one thing though-he sat there naked with his thighs spread so they could see his prick which had lost its hardness, but none of its size nor its circumference. Both Tag and Coach Andrews devoured the sight with their eyes and Deke saw an unsaid communique pass between them and he read it correctly—hunger!


A Hand in the Bush


“Is he always this hot to trot?” Chance asked Todd impishly.

“Always! He’s the hottest stud I’ve ever run across!”

“That’s good news—meet a member of the clan!”

“Just get your asshole up here, buddy—that’s all I want to talk about!”

“Do you want to do it or do you want me to grease it up?”

“No! Let me! That’s one of the kicks about this whole thing!”

“Don’t you dig cock?”

“Just my own.”

“Don’t you suck?”

“Only when I have to—I’ve swung on Todd so many times, I think it’s growing in my mouth—but I really prefer to fuck.”

“Don’t you like to be sucked?”

Todd took over and said, “Have you ever seen anyone suck themself off?”

Chance turned to Joe and asked, “Can you do that, Joe?”

“Yep—and I dig it more than having someone else swing on me!”

“Okay—I’m gonna let you fuck me—right? First you show me how you can suck yourself off!”

“I don’t mind—but I’m not gonna cum-4hat’s for up your bucket, baby!”

“Groovy—just let me see you stick your prick in your own mouth!”

“Huh!” Joe said deprecatingly, “I’ve been doing that since I was eleven years old!”

“Do you ever take your own cum in your mouth?”

“I’ve been known to.”

“Go ahead—and the minute that big head touches your lips, I’m going to be beating the fuck out of my cock!”

“Remember you promised—I get to fuck you!”


Lord of the Flys


“Go over to the wall, bend over and put the back of your head to the wall and force your hips forward. I also think he grabbed hold of the back of his thighs.”

Chance walked stiff-legged to the wall and bent over and as he spread his feet, the crease between his gorgeous buttocks opened a little, exposing his rosy brown, tightly clenched asshole with the almost invisible silvery hairs surrounding it. Morgan feasted his eyes on this beautiful apparition, taking in the swelling backs of his thighs and the huge delectable nuts swinging between them.

The back of Chance’s head and the upper part of his shoulders were now against the wall and grasping the base of his pulsating cock in his fist, he pointed it at his mouth and pressed his hips in. The tip of his crown was against his lips, then as he continued forcing, he opened his mouth and the gorgeous muscle disappeared easily into his mouth and touched the arch of his throat. He pulled out and looked around at Morgan who was watching wide-eyed and fascinated. “I can do it, Morgan!” he crowed, “now I’ll open my throat and see just how much more I can take!”

Morgan knelt down at the side and placed his face close to watch at really microscopic range. He began panting heavily as he saw the fabulous pole sink into Chance’s mouth again and continue past what Morgan knew was his epiglotis. “Oh, fuck!” he moaned, “I’m even jealous of you doing it yourself!” He moved behind Chance on his knees and spread his asscheeks even further with his thumbs and gingerly attacked the small knot with his tongue. He had never done this before, but he felt compelled to do it now.


Pulling a Boner


By the time Chance got to the living room, Kent and the other guard were flying. Kent giggled and said, “I’ve never had beer affect me like this before! I’ve never felt so groovy in my life!”

Tim, the other guard, said, “Man—I feel weird! There’s got to be something in this glass besides beer!”

Just then, Brett came out of the bathroom stark naked with his stiff prick in his fist. “Who wants it?” he asked hoarsely.

“Fuck!” Kent exclaimed, “that’s a great idea—let’s all get naked!”

He and Tim shed their uniforms in record time and while they worked up their hard-ons, Brett stood in front of Kent and pressed his satiny crest to his lips. Kent opened his mouth and Brett glided all the way into his throat until Kent’s lips and nose were buried in Brett’s blue black pubic curls. Brett took Kent’s head in his hands and began long dicking slowly, Kent jacking himself off while he sucked. Ben wanted to start taking pictures, but Chance told him to wait until the other guards arrived and got turned on. It was so wild to see Kent, Brett and Tim carrying on that Chance thought they wouldn’t even need the mescaline to turn the others on—just the sight of the three handsome men working each other over was enough to break down anyone’s reserve!

Dacey started pulling his shirt off and said, “There’s no reason for us to stay dressed—Tim and Brett were always the ones hard to break down and just look at them!” The three were on the rug now in a three way daisy chain and sucking furiously to the accompaniment of whimpers and lustful groans.


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