Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
The Gay Love Letters
Jock Stein
The men shared their homosexual experiences by mail… Then they met!
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Homosexuality, today’s socio-sexual literature tells us, is more openly practiced and more noticeable by a heterosexual society, than at any time during modern history.
Today, there is active lobbying by homosexual organizations seeking to change the illegal status of the act. There are signs that some states intend to change statutes which the homosexuals consider unfair and discriminating. There has already been some legislative revision accomplished in England. But, more pertinent to society as a whole—more meaningful to the sex mores of all the people—is the changing attitude toward homosexuality that is expressed by the heterosexual world. If there is not acceptance of the homosexuals among us, at least today there appears to be a little more tolerance. And there is more communication about the plight of homosexuals who live, not in a homosexual society alone, but in a world that is, despite contradictions from some professionals, largely heterosexual. The past year has presented motion picture communications of homosexual life. Sister George, The Gay Deceivers, Staircase, and other films concerning homosexuality have played to audiences that were largely heterosexual.
“The Gay Love Letters” is a novel of homosexual life. It is a communication, sometimes humorous, more often sad, but always “gay,” of the single-minded, never-varying lust male homosexuals have for each other—indeed, have for all homosexuals the world over, giving evidence to the proposition that homosexuals are members of a closed club, that they work and play and live within the influence of a total homosexual culture.
This novel, through a series of the most intimate confession-type letters, reveals a lot about the homosexual impulse. At times, the experiences that are revealed, seem shocking and almost totally sex-centered. It must, therefore, be remembered that homosexuality is a sexual problem, that it concerns sex—almost exclusively, some psychiatrists claim—and that any communication of homosexual life, particularly one that is presented in letters between two homosexuals, cannot help but also present sexual experiences. But beneath the sex, between the lines of the letters, and in the lines as they are conveyed from one homosexual to another, there is the drama of the life of homosexuals, drama, and sickness, death, joy, and a pathetic sadness that seems the crux of the homosexual; what he is, what he wishes to be and what he wishes he was.
“The Gay Love Letters,” we hope, and believe, is a notable contribution to a better understanding of the homosexual life. It is a communication that makes understanding possible, if we will but grasp the insights that are communicated.
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