Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
The Underbrush Boys
Brandon House
Patrick Doyle
The Underbrush Boys
Brandon House
Patrick Doyle
The fire in the small clearing had died down to its embers, and all the small band had gone off to climb into their sleeping bags. All except Tom, Mark, and the two youngest timber cruisers.
Exchanging a meaningful glance with Mark, Tom rose to his bunkers, stretched, and said, “Who’s for a swim in the lake before we turn in?”
The two boys, Ralph and Cal, leaped eagerly to their feet and said in one voice, “Me!” Mark gathered up a couple of blankets, and the quartet started off down the trail. It was a warm, still summer night, and the moon picked out the tops of towering pines, ageless in their majesty and solitude.
When they reached the sandy shore Cal spread out the blankets, while Ralph scouted around for dry wood. After the small fire was burning briskly, all four shucked off their clothing and plunged, bare-ass naked into the cool waters of the lake. Yelling and splashing, they wrestled with one another, playfully finding illegal holds until all four had achieved sizeable erections. When that phase of their play had accomplished its purpose, Tom and Mark led each of the eighteen-year-olds, holding him firmly by the cock, back to the warmth and cheer of blanket and bonfire.
“What are you going to do with us?” whispered Cal to Tom, who had gathered the lad into his brawny arms.
“Just have a little fun. Here, put your hand on this.” He guided Cal’s hand to his own enormous, throbbing piston, while he grasped the boy’s buttocks and drew him close.
“You ain’t aiming to shove that big rod up inside me, are you, Tom?”
“Let’s wait and see. Now roll over on your back. I got work to do.” Tom caressed the hardening nipples on the strong young chest, then taking them between his seeking lips bit lightly on the tender flesh. The boy writhed and arched his back. Tom’s tongue wandered down the smooth, hairless body until it found the throbbing iron hard cock standing upright. Placing himself between the trembling knees he swallowed it in one quick plunge. And just in time, because his mouth and throat were instantly flooded with a seemingly never-ending stream of life’s sweetest juices. The boy moaned and twisted and finally lay inert while Tom drew from him all that he had to give. “Now rest a minute,” he murmured, and turned to see how Mark and Ralph were getting along.
The other couple was locked in deep embrace, Ralph’s legs straddling Mark’s shoulders while the latter plunged in ever increasing fury into the slim ass. With a loud cry he thrust the full length of his dark Indian pole, and shuddered ecstatically as he expended himself into the youth.
Tom noted that Ralph had not yet found relief for his own excited state, and after Mark withdrew and lay quietly at his side, the boy grasped himself and started to make his own release.
“Wait, Ralph,” whispered Tom. He clambered over Mark’s exhausted frame and lifted the boy’s calves over his own bulging shoulders. Quickly lubricating himself, he sought impassioned entrance into the eager receptacle.
Knowing he was much larger than Mark, he pushed gently against the willing buttocks.
“Oh, God, Tom, do it hard. I’m about to come.”
Tom did it hard. He plunged ever deeper until he felt his bush hair bump against the firm young body, and the rising ecstasy in his loins told him that his moment had arrived…
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