Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

Sweet Baby Buns

Backdoor Library


Brian Mathews



BD-1002 Sweet Baby Buns

Sweet Baby Buns

Backdoor Library


Brian Mathews




There was nothing that I could do. He was pleading with me to take him, and I did.

Before I knew what happened, he had his pants down and was bent over the chair. “Please,” he whispered urgently, reaching behind and tugging at my zipper. “I’ve heard how big it is, and I want to take care of it. I want to be your sweet baby.”


For years now I have been spending most of my time and energy in the research of sexual behavior, in particular concentrating on the homosexual male and the problems which he faces in his everyday life.

For some time now, I had been interviewing men who voluntarily answered ads which I had placed in various newspapers and magazines or posted on bulletin boards. With the exception of one or two jokesters who came in to try to play tricks on me, all immediately recognized by me as uptight “straights” who were trying to put down the gay population, all the people interviewed were quite helpful in their stories, each lending something to my study of gay men and their social difficulties or adjustments.

For the purpose of the study I was conducting most recently, I was particularly interested in discovering what incidents, if any, led these men to explore the homosexual lifestyle.

The following are a series of taped interviews which I believe to contain valuable and vital information. I wish to thank all those men who voluntarily offered to clue me in on their attitudes, problems and adjustments from the time of their first homosexual experience.

Without the invaluable aid of these men, my research would have been incomplete and lacking in actual, physical data.


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