Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
Craig tried to push the man away. His hands went up to his chest and pushed and he struggled mightily to get his head off the awful thing. But N’bonga was an expert. He had dealt with unwilling slaveboys before. He was also very strong and his grip on Craig’s head was inexorable. The boy had one weapon available to him, though, against which even the mighty Nubian’s strength would not have been able to resist and Craig, now desperately fighting against what he thought was possibly a threat to his very life was about to use it…
He was about to bite down on the massive shaft filling his mouth.
“Don’t you even think about it, boy,” growled N’bonga softly. “You bites down on it an’ I see you suffer far worse than you is getting… How yo’ likes to be branded with a red-hot iron…?” He paused to let the idea of being branded sink in then went on softly: “Now yo’ jes’ relax yo’ mouth an’ take my cock…!”
Craig heard. He knew he couldn’t win. He had to learn to take this man’s cock or suffer some far worse fate, possibly even his life. He hated himself for it but he relaxed his throat and ceased his almighty struggling.
Ali smiled down at his giant bodyguard. The young man, for all his tender years was a wonder. Craig’s head slid down onto the quivering shaft and its head eased right on down his throat. N’bonga kept pulling on his head until the boy’s lips were slurping against his smoothly naked groin. He let the boy adjust for a few moments—not out of concern for his welfare of course but because it was nice to sit there with his long hard cock buried fully inside the boy’s throat.
Soon he would thrust his loins up off the chair—and begin face-fucking him. He knew Ali liked to watch this since it was an act of brutality—and the sheikh loved anything which smacked of cruelty—especially when it involved muscular boys like this one.
Suddenly, he did it. He just heaved his buttocks upwards while pulling even harder down on Craig’s head—which he had not let go of. Then he relaxed them back down again but held Craig’s head up in the air a bit thus allowing his cock to slide a few inches out of his mouth. So he began to fuck the boy’s face: first thrusting upwards with his powerful loins, slamming his pubes against the boy’s lips—and then sinking back down.
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