Tailgate Trucker (no illustrations)


Adam Illustrated Novel

Clay Caldwell



AIN-003 Tailgate Trucker no illustrations

Tailgate Trucker (no illustrations)


Adam Illustrated Novel

Clay Caldwell




Johnny’s and Pat’s father sported a rakish moustache, and he was dressed in Levi’s and a white tee-shirt. His thick arms bulged with muscles, and his chest gave evidence that the body was rugged and strong. His hips were narrow but the legs looked powerful. If a fight was in order, Al reasoned philosophically, either he or the man could come out of it badly.

“Don’t get excited, mister,” Al said, standing up and pulling his chinos to a more respectable position, “I didn’t talk your boys into doing anything they weren’t doing when I saw them back here. I don’t want to get them into trouble, but I don’t want you to think I started it either. Boys’ll be boys, you know.”

The man stared at the three of them. His expression showed very little. Johnny and Pat had pulled their pants up and were buttoning them. Suddenly, the man smiled. His face was very handsome indeed with a pleasant expression on it. “Don’t get nervous,” he said to Al. “I’ve known that Pat and Johnny have been playing around for a long time now. I just wanted to make sure they hadn’t met somebody that tried to force them into anything, that’s all.”

“Gosh, Dad,” Pat said, “this guy didn’t try to force us into anything at all. Honest, he didn’t.” The man turned to Pat. “How was that blow-job you were getting?”

Pat grinned. “It was wonderful, Dad.”

The man held out his hand to Al. “Name’s McNabb.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Al said, noticing how firm the hand clasp was. “Al Grant.”

“My sons have got a couple of friends,” McNabb said, “who I thought were pulling their daisies. But I was never real sure. I kinda hoped they were. You know, I learned a lot about it in the Marines, and I never thought the man-man scene did me any harm. You can never learn too young, you know.”


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