Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
The Backpackers (no illustrations)
Adam’s Illustrated Novels
Larry St. John
The Backpackers (no illustrations)
Adam’s Illustrated Novels
Larry St. John
Masculine homosexuality is as old as history, and yet the specter of the effeminate queer in our society is probably the most persistent ghost to haunt it.
In almost no phase of human development has the famous man of his day failed to reveal his sexual predilections, from Michelangelo to Socrates to Prokofiev. And yet nobody seems to give serious thoughts to the more devious sides of these great men’s nature. Their accomplishments spoke for themselves. But drag queens, transvestites, and sidewalk swishers are the butts of crude and illiterate jokes throughout time.
The Back Packers, by Jack Stone, gives an incisive picture of the other side of the gay life, the side that few people not involved will realize exists. The purpose of the book is to show the uninitiated the healthy, sound philosophy of masculine gay sex. Without the hang-ups, the fears, the guilt. The story takes you, the reader, on a sensual, adventure-filled tour of a great mountain park-with all the outspoken, brazen, unashamed thrills that usually accompany these times when man has little more on his mind than communication with nature.
Many forms of gay sex emerge—submissive, sadistic, cruel, loving, intelligent and stupid. The scene, as in life, is a kaleidoscope. But the overwhelming theme prevails: man’s patient and masculine understanding of man—his animal needs, his loves and hates, his passionate nature.
Surely, in the century we live in, these elements can no longer be looked upon with scorn or censure. And yet, everywhere in our society, biased prejudgments exist. The reader of The Back Packers will find a rare opportunity to judge this side of the homosexual spectrum from a fresh and unexpected viewpoint.
Ben Gorshin advertises his tours of the mountains for men only. But Ben means men! What they find to do with one another in the privacy of their bedrooms or sleeping bags is another matter entirely.
The hiking party, ultimately, is threatened by two escaped convicts, fresh from the can of worms society has opened. Their idea of man-sex is far different from the viewpoints held by most of the hikers. But this menace from what most of us call “the sane society” almost ends in tragedy.
There’s food for thought in The Back Packers, for anyone interested enough to ponder the depths of man’s humanity/inhumanity to man. It’s a book that the publishers feel will cast special lights on controversial subjects. Only the reader’s mind will ultimately judge the successfulness of the project.
Turn the pages with an open mind, an honest heart, and a childlike innocence. It will prove to be a rich and rewarding experience, not only in entertaining reading, but for the mind’s consciousness.
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