Back Stage Studs

Adam’s Gay Readers


Mark Andrews



AGR-121 Back Stage Studs

Back Stage Studs

Adam’s Gay Readers


Mark Andrews




I flipped my belt open with practiced ease. I couldn’t resist joining in the game. His bell opened a lot easier than mine did. I was encouraged by his spit-slicked cock rubbing against my hand.

We got to work on each other… it was quite a mess of arms, legs, underwear and pants. We both decided, independently, not to push our pants entirely out of the way because we might have to make a quick exit from the secret room if somebody came on stage.

Again I played a waiting game. Did he want to jerk me off, or did he have something more advanced in mind? He had something more advanced in mind.

His long dark hair fell on my stomach. I couldn’t see it, but my imagination is vivid. His delicately curved fingers encircled my cock. I sensed his hot breath playing across my glans.

As he jerked my rod up and down and breathed on it, he dried off the lubricant. That hurt for a second until he realized what was happening. Then he did the only possible thing… he spit into his hand and beat away some more.

Boy, this guy was a teaser. Maybe it was the slow masturbation type thing he got into.

No, it was not. I felt his breath get hotter as he moved closer and closer. Then the heat swirled around my dick like hot water down a drain. I couldn’t feel the lips on it. He was probably just testing me to see if he could slip his mouth over it. I’m kinda thick.

After he’d proved his point, he settled down around my dick, applying just a little pressure.

Enough so that I knew where his lips were, but not like he was going to gum me to death. I didn’t feel any teeth at all. So far, so good.

He licked around my cock for a few seconds, inching his mouth up and down. Dick seemed to really like lashing his tongue around my ski-slope tip. I rewarded him by a quick intake of breath as the sensation hit my brain.

About that time, I decided to give up my passive role. His cock must have been bobbing right in front of my nose. I could semen it begging for attention. Ripe, raunchy, and ready. I took his pole in my hand, rubbing my thumb across the eye, encouraging stuff to leak out.


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