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Adventures of a High School Hunk

Box Set–Four Books







Adventures of a High School Hunk Box Set Books 1-4

Category: Tag:

Adventures of a High School Hunk

Box Set–Four Books







Book 1


“Oh, fuck!” Wes said in a hushed whisper, suddenly on the verge of comprehension. “Are you gonna.. ?”

Before he could finish his question, the golden drop at the tip of Tippy’s prick was joined by another and then another until a gushing stream of piss arched out from his cock, splashing onto Bucky’s defenseless body. It was quickly joined by two more sprays of piss as Jeff and Wes arched their hips forward and aped their self-appointed leader’s example.

Bucky rolled to his left, trying to avoid the triple fountain of stinking piss. Wes’ heel caught him in the right shoulder, knocking him back down on the mat with a force that knocked his breath away. His shoulders landed first and then his head snapped back. His mouth flew open as he grunted in surprise.

Gleefully Wes aimed his spurting fat dong at the stunned boy, spattering golden drops across his cheek, over his gaping lips and finally filling his mouth with the full force of the gushing flow from his bladder.

“Jackpot!” Wes whooped. “Right on target! Look at that! The little fucker’s drinkin’ my piss!”

Wes was enjoying himself too much to notice the dark scowl of displeasure that appeared on Tippy’s face but Jeff saw it. At that same instant, Bucky reacted to the acrid taste and the harsh smell of the urine that was filling his mouth. The first drops he swallowed to avoid choking revived him, cutting through the dazed state caused by his head hitting the mat. His throat convulsed reflexively. The muscles of his midsection stood out in hard relief as he coughed, spewing out the contents of his mouth, spraying piss in all directions. Wes jumped back to avoid getting his own piss spattered across his shins.

“Hey, you dumb motherfucker!” he yelped in chagrin.

Suddenly Tippy had taken his place and was holding Bucky flat against the mat with one foot placed on his throat. Bucky stopped struggling when he felt the pressure against his Adam’s apple. He stared up at the other boy waiting for what was coming next. Tippy had stopped pissing. His big cock hung above Bucky’s face, thick and heavy. Tippy flicked the ropy dick, grinning as his helpless captive blinked at the single drops of piss that fell upon his face.

Jeff had stopped pissing, too, uncertain as to what he should be doing. He didn’t want to be the cause of Tippy’s displeasure the way Wes inadvertently had been!

Wes still was unaware that he had done anything wrong. He wanted his place back.

“Hey, what the….?” he started to protest but he was stopped by a look from Tippy that could have cut off dicks at forty paces!

There was a long silence while the stocky blond tried to match Tippy’s dark glare. He was no match for the other boy. Finally his eyes shifted sideways and his feet shifted up and down as he tried hard to give the impression of not having uttered a word.

Satisfied, Tippy growled, “Why don’t you two finish cleanin’ up our buddy here, huh?”


Book 2


Adventures of a High School Hunk, Book Two are the further chronicles of Bucky Clark and Tippy Schroeder, both star athletes at their local high school. Their relationship is unique, though, and Tippy Schroeder acts as ringleader and catalyst. He likes to dominate—in a very sexual way.

Bucky, conversely, has learned, taught by Tippy, that he actually enjoys being mastered and humiliated, and that he is decidedly gay, having so suspected from the first time he discovered a national gay paper. It only remained for him to be brought out, and in Book One, Tippy obligingly did just that, with the help of a number of other jocks on a wrestling mat in the deserted gymnasium. It wasn’t a fair match, Bucky being the only receiver of humiliation and sexual advances, yet Bucky ultimately not only didn’t mind—he actually enjoyed it.

And now we return to these protagonists, plus a few new ones. The coach for instance…

Book 3


The coming of age of the adolescent has always been a popular subject in literature. The onset of puberty and the awakening of sexual desires and physical needs create a steamy arena wherein each of us must encounter and define the essences of desire and morality, responsibility and freedom. They are instincts basic to us all, but it is up to each of us to determine how they shape our lives. Are they opposing drives, the desires of the body always lower than the pursuit of the spirit, or are they one and the same, the expression of each of them inevitably bringing every being to a fuller knowledge of his true nature?

Works such as Tom Sawyer, East of Eden, Look Homeward, Angel, and Studs Lonigan have long been accepted as classics even though initially criticized and rejected by many for their forthright honesty and daring in treating of matters that many people considered obscene and sexually offensive.

Now Tom Hardy’s series, Adventures of a High School Hunk explores these same themes. Books One and Two, Blueboy Library, 80023 and 80024, were instant successes, so, by popular demand, Tom Hardy has continued his original conception of this homoerotic epic with this completed third volume and a fourth volume to be available soon.

Lest their combined length put any reader off, we hasten to say that these are not dryly erudite tomes, heavy with obscure classical references and unhappy fates in store for all those characters who enjoy their lives too much. On the contrary, Tom Hardy’s characters are real, young, vigorous, full of the juices and desires of life and love, consistent with a reality which all too soon passes from our mortal minutes of idyllic pleasures.

Those legions of Tom Hardy fans already familiar with the works of this prolific novelist know that he is the last person to take himself too seriously.

As he puts it in this latest work, Adventures of a High School Hunk, Book Three, “You don’t have to worry that this is going to turn into Balzac with descriptions of furniture and wallpaper and architecture by the yard. No way. It’s just that we’re going to try to keep track of all the changes set in motion by that hot chemical flash of sexual exchange that started last Friday night on the swings in the backyard of Tippy’s house when Bucky first ended up on his knees with Tippy’s cock shoved down his throat. That was the beginning splash and what we’re doing now is following the ripples. Lots and lots of ripples. Spreading wider and wider and who knows where it will end? Not I. Not yet.”

So read on. This is Book Three and there’s still more to come!


Book 4


Here it is, dear reader, the long awaited fourth volume in Tom Hardy’s lusty saga of sexual awakenings in a Midwestern locale, The Adventures of a High School Hunk.

Those ripples of sexual excitement set in motion in Book One by Bucky Clark’s first cocksucking contact with the demanding dick of his high school buddy, Tippy Schroeder, that spread in ever widening circles through Books Two and Three now reach their weekend climax in a magical series of horny encounters in a dream-like setting reminiscent of A Midsummer Night’s Dream as masters, slaves, and lovers all meet their destinies, confront their fates and stumble through the shifting mist of self-delusion to find their hearts’ desires in very unexpected ways. To paraphrase the master writer of them all, “Lord, what fuck-ups these mortals be!”

1 review for Adventures of a High School Hunk Box Set Books 1-4

  1. timonruhl

    The first book had me hooked

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