Bed Boy

Adonis Classics


Lyle Saunders



AC-107 Bed Boy

Bed Boy

Adonis Classics


Lyle Saunders




At the very moment when Billy stepped out of the pool and walked into the patchy sunlight filtering through the pines, Big Joe was scuffing along at the foot of a hill not a hundred yards distant. Whistling a soft, tuneless melody through his big white teeth, his eyes searched about for likely places to conceal his snares, one that would yield a maximum of small game to feed his belly and that of his wonderful playmate, Billy Paris.

The boy fitted neatly into Joe’s mental chest of personal belongings, along with the harmonica, bits of string, an old top, and his traps and snares. Unable further to rationalize his emotions, Joe was content to accept the fact of Billy’s presence as part of his total environment. He could not now remember the time before the lad appeared on the scene; it seemed to him he had always been there. Sensually, he was more acutely aware of the smooth young body. He felt a thrill in his gut every time he thought of the hot, wet cavity of the boyish mouth, or more particularly the slim, rounded asscheeks and the, wonders that lay between.

On this sunny afternoon as he shambled lazily along the banks of a small stream, he was stopped cold in his tracks by a piercing yell which seemed to come from a grove of pines not many yards distant. He froze for a second, then, hearing the shout repeated, broke into a swift, light-footed run, crashing through the underbrush that hid from view a small clearing where the stream widened out and became the pool where Billy had bathed.

And there, struggling in the arms of a loutish youth of some eighteen years, was his Billy, fighting like a tiger to escape the arms that circled him from behind, and the long, thick cock that was trying to pierce his little ass.


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