Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
Big Truckin’ Stud
Bob Hancock
Big Truckin’ Stud
Bob Hancock
An isolated mid-western town, farmboys growing up… youths taking to jerking off as easily as they take to skinny-dipping young men sharing lust and verility and affection and a brawny, drawling stud named Hutch.
These are the ingredients of this erotic tale, the story of a man who seems to understand the confusion of adolescence naturally, a man who “ain’t afraid t’ remember when I was a wanderin’ young ’un.”
Hutch’s philosophy may seem unusual to the so-called “sophisticates” of the local bars and steam baths, but—remember when you were “a wanderin’ young ‘un?” If you were very lucky, you may have known someone like Hutch, someone you could talk to and listen to and trust. If you weren’t, that may be why you did a lot of sexual wandering before finding your real orientation.
Hell, most of us have done our share of experimenting, and that’s one reason we’re dedicated to bringing you the very best in male fiction. We don’t hide in closets or flaunt our “with-it” lightweight beliefs as many on-and-off publishers do. We’ve always laid it on the line, and we always will.
That’s the way we feel, and we want you to know it. And if you agree with us, we’ll be glad to hear from you… and if you disagree, we expect you to kick us in the ass! Either way, all you have to do is write us. All correspondence is always kept in strictest confidence.
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