Category: Tag:

Studs for Sale


(same as DS-151)


Dick Stroth



HIS69-238 Studs for Sale

Category: Tag:

Studs for Sale


(same as DS-151)


Dick Stroth




In the contemporary world, strange as it may seem, there are many people who are still unwilling to make, or even allow others to make, independent, candid investigations of present day behavior. What other people do with their bodies seems to give them chills; it frightens them to even think about the many, and varied, practices—practices which are not at all new but which give these people chills and nightmares.

Candor, bald truth, is seen as an affront.

And a display of sexuality, however honest, however true to life, is not permissible—to some.

Others of course, with a more open attitude toward human behavior, do not attempt to censor what others want to see, read, think, feel or do. These people I salute. Salute for their own willingness to let the rest of the world live in peace and salute for their acceptance of sexuality as part of themselves, and inextricable and vital part of their very natures.

STUDS FOR SALE looks at some men, looks closely at their feelings and attitudes and practices. It is a look at the way things really are: an exploration, in detail, done without flinching, of what some men are like.

No general lessons are intended. Our hero, Chad, and his friends, represent only themselves—except in so far as others may share some of their attributes. But that is not what is intended here. The book deals with particularized individuals, in a particular time and place. The intimacy is necessary to develop fully the exploration of these characters. The physical details are necessary to examine the composition of these men completely and honestly. To write about a man, to attempt to understand him and not to deal frankly with his life in all its aspects is to deny the man’s humanity, to declare that he is not complete, to pretend that he has only a portion of the existence we all know to be necessary to effective functioning of the integrated personality.


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