Category: Tag:

Rock Hard


(same as MOA-111)


Chance McCandless




HIS69-091 Rock Hard

Category: Tag:

Rock Hard


(same as MOA-111)


Chance McCandless





Ambition is the name of the game for some of us. Ambition, determination, and no price tag is too high if it allows us to reach the heights we desire.

What would any of us give if, at the depths of disappointment and disillusionment, we were presented with the opportunity to achieve our most outrageously extravagant goals of success?

Chance McCandless had the opportunity to answer that question frankly and straight-forwardly in this novel of today. Trust in himself and his experienced advisors, firm belief in his own worth, his talent and market-ability, give Chance the momentum needed to take that big step toward success and recognition.

His honesty, the willingness to face his own truths, to understand himself completely, his awareness of the length to which he will willingly go for the success he dreams of, makes Rock Hard an insight into the human character.

Will success in his choice of career bring Chance the fulfillment of his dreams? Can any success ever deliver rewards equal to the effort demanded? The demands of reaching our goals, the subtle surrenders of principle, the alteration of values, the ease with which we find ourselves changing to—not what we were (or thought we were) but what we think we ought to be so that we can succeed—or because it is expected of us, or because it is easier to drift along with the current around us and not make waves.

Chance lives his life to the full, and received the rewards that should be his. It is, after all, his life, and each of us has only one. He believes it is better to live and collect memories than survive and collect only regrets!


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