Category: Tag:

The Pride and the Power

Blueboy Library


Scott McBride



BB-80039 The Pride and the Power

Category: Tag:

The Pride and the Power

Blueboy Library


Scott McBride




America, the phrase, goes, is the land of the free and the home of the brave. With reservations, unfortunately.

For those whose feelings are strongest and dearest for another person of the same sex, freedom is not always possible without great cost and personal sacrifice.

There are far too many narrow-sighted bigots who are obstinately, intolerantly devoted to their misguided beliefs that such relationships are “sick” and, being sick, must be driven out at any cost.

These intolerant people are unwilling to grant equal freedoms of expression to others who have done nothing wrong, save in the twisted minds of the bigots.

Thus it truly is the home of the brave for those daring souls who face blind bigotry with courage and conviction, who dare to hold firm to their personal convictions in the face of threats and actions of blind bigotry.

Such a confrontation between intolerant Southwestern rednecks and a young man of conviction and dedication is the dynamic theme of Scott McBridge’s novel herein, set in the Texas Southwest surrounding El Paso where bias against Mexicans and Chicanos has long been a festering wound often inflamed by the same bigots who denounce sexual practices different from their own.


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