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The Stud Seeker

Adonis Classics


Byron Shelby



AC-109 The Stud Seeker

Category: Tag:

The Stud Seeker

Adonis Classics


Byron Shelby




Many consider the years between thirteen and twenty to be crucial ones in the final development of an individual’s personality. If so, then seventeen must be regarded as the focal point, the watershed year. For it is then that a person makes the first real decision affecting his future.

With high school behind him—or almost so—the uncertainty of what lies ahead must be faced. In a very short span of time, a course of events must be set into motion that will be crucial in determining what he does—and is—for years to come, perhaps for a lifetime.

This is the situation Canny Dees finds himself in. Unable to bear living with a mother who does not love him, Canny at last decides to hit the road, headed for the promised land of California. Along the way he meets Rab Towson and receives his sexual initiation, thereafter plunging into a world of promiscuity and strange desires, moving from lover to love in an attempt to find himself, to work out his own personal standards of behavior.

THE STUD SEEKER—the story of a young boy on the road. A novel of fiction for entertainment. A page of our restless society as food for serious thought.


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