Category: Tag:

All Dick!


(same as HIS69-097)


Dan Gilbert



GAY-190 All Dick!

Category: Tag:

All Dick!


(same as HIS69-097)


Dan Gilbert




When Dewey came back from overseas to return to civilian life, it didn’t take much time before his marriage was finished. He tried to make his wife understand that he could not stop liking men and her response had been incredulity and then hostility.

Once the marriage was ended, he started on the round of gay bars and baths. He found it was like being a prostitute. If you were going to be queer, you still needed to be a good one, if only to keep your own self-respect.

He re-worked the inside of a tract house so that it would be one vast pleasure-pool of gay erotica and proceeded to bring the boys home.

Take Ted, for instance.

“Christ, kid,” he exclaimed, “that sure feels good…”

“How about this?” as the boy trailed his wet, warm mouth down Dewey’s stomach and into his navel, breathing hot gusts onto him while fumbling to open Dewey’s trousers the rest of the way. “Or this?” as he brought forth the stiffened lance through the folds of trousers and licked up and along the side from the balls to the glans in smooth, slow action.

One rule Dewey had, never violated was his once-only routine. Find ’em, fuck ’em, bring ’em back and forget ’em, he thought. And he lived by that rule.

Until Eddy came along. Beautiful, attractive, desirable, sex-hunky Eddy. Eddy, who needed rescuing from the hypnotic effect of big George. Eddy, who dug getting it in the ass while proclaiming himself to be straight, and wearing his girl on his arm as an ID bracelet to prove it.

“Eddy’s not gay, he’s a whore, a hustler, out to take you for everything he can get. And he’s been getting plenty,” said Ted.

“You can get it real deep in me this way, right up against the part in me that feels sooooo good.” And he began a graceful but firm up-and-down dance onto Dewey’s upthrust pole. Desperately, Dewey reached around to let his hand work on Eddy’s prick, to jack him off.

To his surprise, he found that Eddy’s previously rigid prick was now half-soft. Eddy’s animal lust, however, was evidently at an all-time high, to judge only from his frantic maneuverings as he tried to absorb more and more fast-moving cock deep inside himself.

Come, take Dewey’s hand and walk with him for a while in his journey as he searches the meanings and pitfalls of male same-sex love, and learns to appreciate the difference between love and sexual fulfillment between males without downgrading either.


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