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Bondage Boys

Adonis Classics


Ed Downing



AC-194 Bondage Boys

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Bondage Boys

Adonis Classics


Ed Downing




It wasn’t until later that week that Samuel did anything about his notion to find a new slave. But he was sitting at his desk one morning, leafing through one of the gay newspapers he sometimes picked up, and he suddenly picked up a piece of paper and began to draft an ad, inspired.

He had gotten Rex with just such an ad. Of course, he never came right out and said what he really had in mind—that would be no fun, and was likely to bring around the wrong kind of responses—that was the whole point: he didn’t want people who wanted to be owned permanently—but he did hint at the kind of action he had in mind.

Soon, he had it finished: “Good-looking, dominant man, experienced, looking for young playmate/toy. I’m 32, 6 feet, 165 pounds, very masculine. You should be young, well-built, and ready for anything.” He tacked on his post-office box number and sent it off to the paper.

A few weeks later, he picked up another issue, to see what the ad looked like in print. They had placed it right at the head of their personal-ad column—good. It wouldn’t be long now until he had a new slave to do his bidding. And to fill that fourth cell.


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