Category: Tag:

Texas Gang Rape

Rough Trade


Lance Rig



RT-450 Texas Gang Rape

Category: Tag:

Texas Gang Rape

Rough Trade


Lance Rig




Rod quivered as the menacing figure of the young redneck came closer and closer. His throbbing manhood pressed against the hood of the car. Two men held his body in viselike grips as the third approached his naked body. He was about to experience a TEXAS GANG RAPE!


Many readers will find the contents of this novel controversial. The central characters are members of a country and western rock and roll band. But they are not the usual group; they are a homosexual family, and openly so. In the course of the novel they go from being the house band in a San Francisco gay bar to achieving the first thrills of impending stardom. In the course of this transition, they unwillingly have the banner of gay liberation thrust into their hands. They become spokesmen for equal treatment of gays, and, in the process, mature in their attitudes toward their own sexual orientation.

And it is this rather than the story itself that should entertain and attract the reader. For these are not the simpering queens of popular myth. They are virile, strong young men. In physical appearance and outward behavior they are indistinguishable from their heterosexual peers. It is only in their appreciation of the sensual beauty of the male body and its attendant sexual delights that they arc different. And they rebel openly against a society which insists that this difference makes them any less than men.

It is hoped that the discriminating reader will take pleasure and inspiration from this tale, and feel as heightened pride in his own masculinity as he peruses this book.


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