Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
Heavy Cruisers
Adonis Classics
Lambert Wilhelm
Heavy Cruisers
Adonis Classics
Lambert Wilhelm
Tim’s intuition told him the place was safe. His intuition, though, wasn’t always one-hundred-percent right. There had been a time a couple of weeks back when he had really been excited as all hell by that one stud cruising the dark pathways of that section of park that edged the gully and extended below the bridge. He had been on the verge of approaching the stud for some action when another kid had beat him to the punch. As a result, the other kid, instead of Tim, had been locked in handcuffs and hauled away to the clink for soliciting a police officer.
Tim had tried to be especially careful after that. His caution was made even more extreme by the rumors that there was going to be another crackdown soon on the area gays. There was usually a crackdown whenever elections drew near, and there was one coming up now.
If Tim’s vibes told him anything, though, this evening was another safe one. He moved across the bridge to the shadows at the other end, made a sharp right and began the long descent of stairs that led him down to the maze of shadow and underbrush that existed below.
He paused at a point where the worn and mossy stairs made a jog to the left to complete their access to the bottom. From where he now stood, it was easier to see the shadows within the shadows, the nuances that told more of what went on down there.
From the number of people making the rounds, it didn’t look as if too many gays had turned overly paranoid by having heard the rumors. Even in the darkness, Tim could make out familiar silhouettes.
Like the bars, like the baths, like the tearooms, the parks always seemed to have their regulars. Tim, in that respect, was a regular of this particular park. He was also a regular of the park tearoom which was usually active a little later in the evenings.
Someone stopped in the shadows at the bottom of the stairway and lit a cigarette. The flames of the match did a good deal to illuminate that small section of blackness. What Tim saw as a result was an attractive blond face attached to what appeared to be an exceptionally studly body.
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