Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
The young black athlete stared down at his competitor and sneered.
“Try this on for size,” he jeered at the muscular Englishman.
He shoved his huge, erect cock into Miles’ face, while Miles lay stretched out on the shower floor. The strong English track star looked up at the big dick fearfully.
“Leave me alone, you black motherfucker,” he said to Leroy.
Miles struggled to get up off the floor, but Jeff and Bobby held him down.
Miles had come onto their track team with an attitude the size of Leroy’s big cock. But now they were going to make him swallow his pride!
“Don’t you call me motherfucker, you little fucking cunt! Suck my cock! Before I smash it up your ugly fucking face!” Leroy was threatening.
Leroy’s huge brawny body was covered with sweat and he was the color of blackest cock. The whites of his eyes were gleaming in the steamy shower stalls.
“Suck it, you little asshole!” Jeff twisted Miles’ hands up behind his back.
“Suck it, you little dick-lover, you know you love it!”
Bobby pushed Miles’ face up against Leroy’s huge throbbing member.
Miles’ eyes were open wide as he opened his mouth and took the huge black cock inside.
He was on his knees and his own cock was big and hard.
“That’s it, motherfucker! Now just stuff it all the way down your throat!”
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