Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

Night and Leather

New Male




NM-166 Night and Leather

Night and Leather

New Male





Those in the know sometimes called him the Star Fucker.

His name was Travis McCabe.

He was the kind of guy you’d say was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, or maybe with a gold dildo up his ass.

You’d know his Mom it you heard her name. Yeah, she was a household word way back when. Big movie star in the forties and fifties.

Copped an Oscar in ’54 for some movie with Gary Cooper.

Then, in ’57, she made headlines when she ran off with Xavier Richmond McCabe III.

Xavier, the dude they called King Midas. Richest fucker in the state of Montana.

Practically owned the whole fucking state. Everything he touched, they say, turned to gold… 

The best thing that came out of that marriage was Travis, or so both his parents would say in later years.

Travis was born in ’64, six months after his famous parents split for the tenth or eleventh time.

In ’66, the divorce was finalized.

His Mom tried to make a comeback on the big screen, but nobody was buying.

She finally landed a part on a soap which brought her renewed fame and six day-time Emmy awards.

Xavier and Travis’ Mom lavished material things on their only child.

Travis didn’t see an awful lot of his folks, since they kept sending him away to ritzy private schools and chi chi summer camps for the brats of the elite.

But he saw an awful lot of the green stuff and all it could buy… 

What’s more, Travis McCabe turned out to be one helluva hot looking guy.

He inherited all of the best physical traits of his gorgeous Mom and macho Pop.


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