Hommi Publishing

Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica

Category: Tag:

Boy Buttocks

Neptune Reader


Donald Elfman



NR-115 Boy Buttocks

Category: Tag:

Boy Buttocks

Neptune Reader


Donald Elfman




“Boy Buttocks” by the daring and brilliant young author, Ronald Elman sets a new high in describing bluntly the actual manifestations of “gay” perversion so rampant everywhere today. Usually the type of deviation described in this hard-hitting story is found only in medical texts, but here the complex sex problems of the individual in the “gay” life is bared for the reader’s scouting.

The publisher’s feel that with the new sexual revolution which has taken place, now when the “third sex” is being given definite place on our society, that this story will prove most timely and educational to the adult reader. Unusual as the sex escapades in “Boy Buttocks” may seem the reader should realize that even more “far-out” sex practices are going on every day and that the average psychiatrists case books is full of them. The following is from the case history file of the prominent psychiatrist, S. Gedalia:

“Sidney C. had his first homosexual relationship’s at the age of sixteen with a college student who picked him up in a movie theater. This student put Sidney’s hand on his penis. Sidney who had already been engaging in secret masturbation did not object when the other young man opened his own fly and bared his genitals. Sidney played with his penis until the other boy ejaculated, the sperm shooting into a linen hanky which he was holding in readiness. After the feature picture was over, the older boy maneuvered Sidney’s head onto his freshly erect penis and made him “french” him. Sidney gagged when the other boy’s hot sperm shot into his mouth, but later he confessed that he enjoyed swallowing it…”

From reading this engaging novel, the reader’s knowledge of abnormal psychology is sure to be broadened when he realizes that sexual perversion is apt to occur any place and any time. He must be watchful not to be drawn into these perverse sexual practices.

The publishers present this original manuscript for the mature adult reader only.


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