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Sebastian Lamb



MH-494 Manslave

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Sebastian Lamb




A man settles into life, easily or with difficulty, depending on his values and circumstances. The degree and quality of that ‘settling in’, becoming the man he wishes to present to the world around him and the man he wishes to be (of the man he thinks he should be to the world and to himself) depends largely upon environment and the influence of those close to him, parents, peers, role models.

If conditions in his life change, so too, can the man change, become altered in subtle or significant ways. To minor or great degree.

A man, such as Scott McCambridge, taken from his natural environment, a civilized man in civilized society, and plunked into primitive surroundings, an oil-drilling expedition, among other men, similarly uprooted from familiar lifestyles, is bound to experience stress, undergo trauma. Deeply buried, forgotten experiences and desires come to the surface, shocking, frightening, distasteful, at odds with the structure he had created in which to live.

A society, basic and simple in context, a society of men, a society without women, a society of rough, boisterous contrast to the natural, cultivated, inter- sexual world to which he is accustomed must have an effect on a man.

Scott McCambridge’s life plunged into turmoil with his arrival at the distant tropical outpost, becoming increasingly difficult with every day as he found it necessary to cope with new crisis of adjustment, special and unexpected problems professional and personal.

Lift a man from the familiar, the comfortable, the usual, plunk him down in a strange, primitive environment, among alien types; his life and his attitudes are bound to be altered, for better or worse. In a basic, primitive society, such as the one in which Scott McCambridge found himself, primal instincts and passions crop up, must be dealt with, reacted to; areas of one’s personality surface which may have gone a lifetime unsuspected; may have lain dormant, never to have come to life under normal, familiar conditions, but in unfamiliar surroundings spark suddenly and surprisingly to full bloom, ripe to be experienced and not to be denied or refused their right to existence. Those may be the most surprise of all concerned parties, but helpless to do anything about the new conditions of his life, must sit back and allow that new being he has become take over and live its life in his stead—as long as that new and strange life may last.


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