The Night the Prince Came

Centaur Publications



The Night the Prince Came

The Night the Prince Came

Centaur Publications




Just then the bell rang and class was over. Wayne clapped his hands to stop the noise and halt those boys who were already skittering off for the next class. “I’d like for Cinderella and Fairy Godmother to stay for just a minute please,” he said briskly.

“I sure don’t like bein’ no Fairy Godmother,” Mark Barton, the basketball star, said to one of his friends who usually gave him rubdowns in the gym. “It makes me feel doggone queer.” He nervously shuffled his feet and scratched at his groin.

“Don’t worry ‘bout that,” the chum replied. “There’s nothin’ queer about the way you’re built and I ought to know.” He grinned and walked away, wondering just how queers did look down there and what made them different. Maybe theirs is in the back, he thought excitedly. He looked again at Mark who was still savoring his assurance of normalcy, a smug expression on his face. “See you in the gym!” he called.

“Yeah,” Mark replied. “Soon as I get rid of my magic wand.”

“Save it t’ make extra baskets t’night,” someone hooted.

“Or give it a workout so it won’t get rusty,” another chimed in.

“How big is your wand?”

“Why don’t you wave it for us now?” Harvey Richards grinned salaciously. “Bet the star on the end really tickles.”

“You cut that out!” Mark said sharply.

“Ouch!” another wiseacre added as several of the boys laughed loudly and humorlessly.

The class filed out of the room, and George Chapel was particularly slow to leave. He was still flushed with his recent dance exhibition. He was also taking his time because the next class was Phys. Ed. and he hated it.

“Oh, Chapel,” the teacher called out just as he was almost at the door. “Will you stay on a minute too, please?” He looked at the boy and thought exciting thoughts. He was coaching him in private already.


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