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Pretty Boy



Jay Greene



M-35-149 Pretty Boy

Category: Tag:

Pretty Boy



Jay Greene




Let me Show You 

“Please,” Alan said, pushing the boy gently away.

“You mustn’t do those things to me.”

Palo’s eyes were wide with questioning. “Why?”

“Because—you mustn’t,” Alan said, feeling very foolish for the words he was saying when he wanted this beautiful boy more than anything in the world “You don’t even know me. It isn’t right.”

“What is there to know?” Palo whispered, his strong warm hands stroking the sides of Alan’s face. “You are beautiful and I want to love you. That is not wrong.” He stepped back from Alan and looked at him with pleading eyes. “Or do you say it is wrong because Palo does not please you?”

Alan’s eyes devoured the native boy’s incredibly handsome body: the sleek golden skin, the rich black hair, the strength in his powerful thighs. “No, Palo you please me very much.”

“And you please me,” the boy answered. “Look.”

His hands tugged at the fold in his loincloth and it fell to the sand. He widened his stance so that Alan could see his complete nakedness. “Do you see how much you please me—how much I want you? Look.”

His hand went down to himself without shame.

Alan cried out with anguish, unable to restrain himself any longer. He fell to his knees in the sand beside the boy and wrapped his arms tightly around the bronzed, naked thighs. “Yes,” he whispered.

“Yes, I will love you.”


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