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Jay Greene



M-60191 Chico

Category: Tag:




Jay Greene




His name was Chico.

I’ve been a social worker for years and I’ve seen lots of boys come and go in my work at the Juvenile House of Detention, but never one like this kid. He was special. There was something about him—some look, maybe—that grabbed hold of you right at the start and didn’t let go.

It wasn’t just his face or his body, although there was no getting around the fact the kid had a surplus of beauty in both departments. A lot of these Puerto Ricans are homely-looking, more Indian than Span-ish blood in them, but this Chico… 

Ahhhh! You wouldn’t believe it unless you’d seen him for yourself! The kid was gorgeous, in that pretty-pretty way that makes you want to smash every mirror in sight when you compare your own looks to his.

He must have been about seventeen when I met him. It’s in the records somewhere, but I’m pretty sure he was around that age. No more than eighteen, certainly, but I’m almost positive he was only seven-teen. His looks were deceptive. I mean, in certain lights he looked like a kid, but then from other angles at other times he looked twice his age. Funny, isn’t it? He was like a cross between a man and a boy, with the best parts of both.

He had this black, silky hair. Not greasy, like a lot of these P.R.’s you see in New York, but soft. Curly and soft as the down on a bird’s belly. It was the kind of hair that you wanted to reach out and run your fingers through, just to see if it was as soft as it looked. I mean, even if you weren’t gay I think you’d want to do that. I don’t think anybody could’ve resisted touching that kid. Not grabbing him or leching him or anything; I don’t mean that. I mean… just touching him. Like to see if he was real or something you’d only imagined. Or like one of those sacred relics in a church that people are always rubbing their hands over to bring themselves good luck or something. Honest to God! You had that kind of feeling when you looked at this kid!

At least I did.


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