Category: Tag:

Spunky Lad



Samuel West



HIS69-469 Spunky Lad

Category: Tag:

Spunky Lad



Samuel West




Harlan was born and reared in strait-laced surroundings. Through a set of unfortunate circumstances, he transferred to an even more strait-laced community. For almost forty-eight hours, Harlan was frustrated, thwarted, and almost resigned to living the life of a loner.

Can a lusty young stud who’s hung like a Cherokee tomahawk remain lonely for long? Not Harlan.

You’ll be amazed how quickly he unknots those strait-laces.

Not, of course, without the enthusiastic assistance of practically every male on the prairie.

Harlan’s playmates and saddle mates include a spunky, lecherous doctor and an inscrutable, lecherous half-breed. A couple of cleancut and filthy minded pre-college students. Another student with truly deplorable tendencies. An Irishman who becomes a local legend when he’s seen watering his back yard begonias. A mysterious Prussian with a fierce mustache and a mean hand with a truncheon. And finally an enigmatic army major fresh from active service and eager to battle in Harlan’s action arena.

Will our hero be able to handle that brawling crew? Just watch him! Harlan can tackle cutthroats and rapists and hard-to-get heteros as easily as some gymnasts can whiz through a locker room line-up.

Such a talented hombre deserves something special in the way of a final adventure—and the most attractive stud in the throng gladly provides it.


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