Category: Tag:

Just Like Daddy



Samuel West



HIS69-465 Just Like Daddy

Category: Tag:

Just Like Daddy



Samuel West




Dominic Morgan was a late starter, almost obscenely innocent for a young man with his assets. Those assets included a fine education, excellent family connections, good looks, and tape-busting dimensions. Dom’s long-deferred coming-out party lasted for at least 72 action-packed hours. It left a trail of broker hearts and stained bedding across the wide prairie. It left a dazzling assortment of eager studs in a state of exhaustion. It left Dom refreshed and raring to conquer the one number who coolly rebuffed his advances.

Except for a Grecian profile and a Herculean basket, Tristam Parker had no assets worth mentioning. Except for certain complications, there was no reason why he shouldn’t make Dominic deliriously happy. The complications developed into serious problems, as complications have a habit of doing, and the problems soon led to a life-or-death crisis.

Can Dom cope? You bet he can! In the course of those 72 hectic hours, he had learned how to handle just about everything. In order to handle a hard-to-get hombre like Tristam, he resorts to desperate measures. The hard-to-get hombre finds himself helpless, in the power of some of the horniest vigilantes who ever hog-tied a prisoner.

Only a het could resist that vigilante committee.

Handsome Matt Prescott. Versatile Brand Fletcher.

Clubber, undefeated champ in the Heavyweight Division. And Eban who’s neither handsome nor versatile nor brawny but hung like your favorite lumberjack.

Each vigilante performs feats far beyond the call of duty. The crisis is averted and Tristam is no longer unattainable. At the moment of victory Dom’s romantic feelings waver, as romantic feelings have a habit of doing. No matter. As the adventure races toward its ultimate climax, everyone’s satisfied, sated, saddle-sore, and simply glutted with rapture.


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