Vintage Pulp and Original Gay Erotica
Hot Bodies
Surree Stud
(same as GAY-109 and PF-113)
Jack Stone
Hot Bodies
Surree Stud
(same as GAY-109 and PF-113)
Jack Stone
As in “The Mistery of Toomey’s Island,” Jack Stone has once more tried to give a new slant to the role of homosexuals in murder mysteries. The limpwrist stigma, that plague the homosexual society for so many hundreds of years, has finally been exposed as a myth, and the breakthrough of the new gay image of the 1970s has proven that all of the straight majority have not had their heads buried in sand.
There is increasing public awareness of homosexual problems and much pro-gay legislation has been achieved by the responsible majority of the homosexual community, a community which, alas, must at the time of this writing be classed as the last minority discriminated against in the United States.
But this book does not let the homosexual off the hook, either. It must also be realized by responsible thinkers that homosexuals can represent the bad guys, too, although statistically they engage in a lower percentage of criminal activities than straights.
It would be unfair to tell you at this point which homosexual turns out to be a villain. That you can guess for yourself.
It is a well known fact that most people in the United States are unaware of Florida’s role in the nation’s cattle industry. It is a major role, and the central part of the state, which most tourists never see, is dotted with large cattle ranches. They are, like Dan Gurney in the book observes, pieces of Texas fringed with palm trees.
Dan is a troubleshooter for a wealthy rancher, Homer Watts. He thinks Homer’s affairs are in good order, but Homer seems worried and uptight lately. And then, suddenly, Homer is dead. A suicide, apparently, but Dan thinks different.
Dan knows everybody in the area. Especially the cops. Lew Barns is a very special friend. Lew is a local patrolman, in a very small town police department.
Chick is another very special friend of Dan’s, but Chick has a lifestyle Dan doesn’t feel he has a right to tamper with. It seems less evil than his own.
And evil is the word for the series of events that Homer’s death triggers off. Dan becomes a loner, afraid to trust anybody not even the people he thought he could trust the most, as event after unpredictable event carries him farther and farther into a world he had never known existed, even though he’d been a personal part of it.
Chick has a friend who’s a cop, too. Hal Wolfe of the Palms Police Department. Two patrol cars. Big deal! But Hal is a very big deal, and Dan learns it the hard way.
The gay and straight worlds interrelate and fuse almost undetectably in this mystery that involves all the characters, gay and straight, in the far more important job of learning who are the bad people, and who are the good ones. Come into Dan Gurney’s personal, very uncomfortable Florida heat wave. You’ll sweat a lot, like Dan does. And your ideals might get shaken. But maybe it will shake your opinions, too.
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