Brother Slave



Sebastian Lamb



MH-487 Brother Slave

Brother Slave



Sebastian Lamb




Twins are special and unique beings, formed from a single cell, different from individual births, sharing mysterious and fascinating prenatal secrets. The incidence of incest between twins is incredibly high in relation to other siblings.

From earliest times, in nearly all cultures, twins have been accorded respect and fear, through superstition, through primitive emotional responses to the mystical difference between them and others, single births.

Shared emotions, unspoken communication, the simple reality of seeing oneself in another, a constant reminder of self in another being, part of oneself disconnected, separated, set apart yet not really apart, for feelings, ideas, thoughts, responses are more often the same than different.

It’s no wonder, then, that incestuous relationships flourish among twins, an expression between the special ones of the outside world’s special attitudes, expressed intimately, shared by those two made special through the eyes of wondering observers.

Sebastian Lamb explores his relationships with his twin brother, an identical replica of himself, his face, his body, his desires and hungers and needs come alive in duplicate. In this book he sets down his feelings and reactions to the relationship between his brother and himself, revealing frankly his deepest feelings, expressing honestly his life from adolescence into adulthood and the important part in his life played by that twin brother, that part of himself of which he was cheated and blessed at the same time, a part of himself, outside himself, a challenge and a bonus, pain and delight, frustration and contentment, adjustments to life so full and so unique that it cannot be experienced in one being but must have a counterpart to handle the enormity of it.

But, even in his situation, a twin with all its pluses, he finds that no matter how close two people may be, even two who are somehow part of one whole, there are misunderstanding and |assumptions without foundation. Can any two people really understand and empathize all of the time, even most of the time? When it is so difficult to honestly assess ourselves isn’t it presumptuous to think that we can fully and correctly understand and foresee the feelings and needs and reactions of another?

Even a twin?

When you read this book you will find some interesting answers to Sebastian Lamb’s probing questions and discoveries of truth and fact versus assumption and preconception.


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