Verdict: Guilty
Sentence: Discipline
by Reginald Stephens
from Stroke V1 N4
When Kurt Mueller turned eighteen he wanted to have a birthday party with his friends. What happened to him the night before and in the next two months changed his life. He was a fine athlete, swam on his school swim team, and seemed to be a healthy, normal boy. On the evening before his birthday be was with some of his friends drinking a little wine when they decided to visit Kurt’s girlfriend in a boutique where she worked. While they were in the small shop an argument began between the boys and the owner and a counter full of clothing was toppled over. The owner pressed charges and suddenly Kurt was taken to jail.
His parents quickly called their attorney who assured them things would be worked out the next morning. The night in jail was not the most pleasant night Kurt had ever spent but nothing happened to him. The next morning he was brought into court and his case was called first.
The judge read through the police report and occasionally looked down at the boy standing in front of him. Kurt thought to himself, “Here it comes. The Lecture.”
“Young man, I see you have been in trouble before. Fighting like a common street person. It says here you are a fine athlete at school. You should be leading you peers instead of fighting and drinking wine all night long. Boys like you have no discipline these days. You think just because your father pays for any damage you cause it is all right.”
Kurt had heard all of this before.
“It seems you have a record of getting into trouble, young man,” the judge said to him.
Kurt was ready. “Well, I… ah… not exactly, sir.”
The judge waved his hand to silence him. “You were before a colleague of mine less than two months ago for fighting in a youth club.”
Kurt related a story to him about the night a rival group of boys entered the club and tried to take hisgirlfriend awayfrom him. The fight broke up some of the furniture and tables.
“I suppose your father paid for the damages?” Kurt nodded. “Well, I think boys like yourself ought to have more respect for law and order. It seems you need discipline in your life. The fact your father pays for your activities doesn’t seem to me to be right.”
Kurt glanced quickly at the family attorney and saw a frown on the man’s face. The judge continued speaking.
“Instead of letting you off with a fine and probation I’m going to send you to a remand ship for two months. I think you will learn a little discipline aboard the ship. The sentence will commence at once.”
Not only was Kurt stunned at this turn of events but so were his parents and the attorney. They had all been certain that everything would be taken care of with a small fine. Now, he was to be locked up.
The guards took Kurt out of the courtroom quickly and put him in a small holding cell. There, one of the guards handed him a bag and told him to put all of his personal belongings into it.
“They will be returned when you get out,” he said briskly.
Within a few minutes the youth was taken to a wharf where a small motor launch from the remand ship was docked. There were three other boys about his own age who were also sentenced to the ship and all of them were nervous and scared at the prospect of two months confinement. Once aboard the ship, they waited for a long time watching the activities of the boys already aboard. It was very apparent that things were done with a strict routine without words being spoken and they moved on the double. Each boy wore grey shorts, a tank type shirt and were barefooted. As Kurt stared at various boys he was startled to see an officer pass by a boy working halfway up a ladder who was painting a bulkhead. As the man passed, he reached out and pulled the boy’s shorts part way down his ass revealing his bare buttocks. The boy continued to work without a pause but Kurt suddenly began getting a hard on. The boy finished his task and ran off with the shorts dropping lower and lower.
Finally an officer appeared and led them to a cabin where each of them was made to take off his clothing. One at a time they were examined right down to having a finger poked up their assholes. All the time they were being examined not a word was spoken to them although the two men giving them the physicals spoke to each other about the size of the boys’ cocks and how tight their holes were. Still naked, they were handed over to two different officers in an adjoining cabin who began giving each one of them a bath. As one boy was washed on a table the others were made to stand in a line against the bulkhead with their hands behind their backs. Although nothing sexual was done to arouse him, Kurt found that having four strong hands washing him at the same time made him get fully erect. While two hands washed his cock and balls two other hands were washing his buttocks and hole and this was incredibly exciting to him. This also made the other boys watching get hard and when one of the officers told Kurt to get rid of his hard on, he couldn’t. Even though one man flicked it, Kurt still stayed hard.
“I know how get rid of it ,” said one of the officers. He grabbed the boy’s wrists and held them behind his back. The other officer began jerking him off in a very business like manner. This was done to the other boys as well. After this, each was given a pair of shorts and a shirt and they doubled down a corridor to see the captain of the ship.
“We have rules and regulations here,” the captain told them, “and, they are followed to the letter. Any infractions will result in punishment at once in front of all in sight. You will learn obedience and discipline here. Now, we all know boys are sexually inclined and often try to play with themselves or each other. I will not tolerate any sexual activity aboard this ship. If you are found jacking off or playing around with another boy, you will be severely punished. Bedding will be checked each morning by the senior of your section. Any signs of sex during the night will be reported.”
The captain wasn’t very old, Kurt thought. Perhaps in his mid-thirties. The boy thought to himself, the man must be crazy to think I want to mess around with a boy when I have a girlfriend to fuck all the time. Then it flashed through his mind what he’d do without getting his nuts off for two whole months.
The captain continued. “In order to lessen the effect of new boys joining the ship and creating sexual curiosity, I have a rule that all new boys must work entirely naked for the first week they spend aboard the ship. Therefore , remove those garments!” When they had stripped the captain gave them a hard stare and dismissed them.
Running on the double, they were taken dawn a corridor to the sick bay where they were met by a doctor and two male assistants. As they lined up in a row, the doctor selected one of the boys to be first for his examination. They made him lie on a medical table on his back while the doctor prodded and poked over his body. As the man’s hand brushed across the boy’s cock, it grew hard. This didn’t seem to bother the doctor at all and apparently, it was what he wanted. He put a condom over the hard cock and began masturbating him until he got a specimen of sperm.
Kurt was told to lay on the table and soon he was as erect as the first boy. The male nurses held his shoulders down and his legs slightly apart as the doctor put a condom over his cock. The man massaged his balls and squeezed his cock and produced a good load from Kurt’s cock. After the others were “milked” one of the nurses rubbed a large amount of cream over their groin hair. At first, it felt cool to the boys but soon it began get ting warm and finally burned a little. At this point, they were doubled to where their sleeping quarters were located.
There was a large cabin with bunks around the sides and four single beds :in the center. Off to one end was an open shower area and opposite to this were toilets and urinals—all in plain view. The boys lined up again and began fidgeting because of the burning sensations around their cocks and balls. The officers knew what was happening but didn’t say a word to them. Finally, one of them stared at the boys.
“Why are you moving about?”
Kurt answered, “I’m burning up.”
“Where do you burn?”
“Down here,” and he pointed to his cock.
The other boys agreed and said that their cocks and balls burned, too.
The man told them to run in place until the burning stopped.
“When you are asked for information you will always tell the officer exactly where you burn, such as, ‘my balls burn,’ or ‘I have to piss or shit.’ We are not mind readers.”
As the boys ran in place Kurt again began to get an erection which amused the officer. He didn’t do anything but stared at the rising cock until it was fully hard and sticking straight into the air. One of the boys suddenly blurted out that he had to piss.
The officer made them stop and stepped up to the boy who had spoken. “You were ordered not to talk. You will ask permission to piss. Now, ask to piss properly.”
“Ah, I have to piss. Can I go to the toilet?”
The officer nodded. “When you finish, you tell me so I can inspect you for cleanliness.”
The boy returned and held his cock in his hand. “Reporting for cock inspection.” The officer grinned and ordered him back in line. By this time the burning around their cocks had begun to cease. The officer told them to take a shower. As the water began running over their bodies, Kurt saw that his groin hair was also disappearing. The cream that had been rubbed into his groin was hair remover lotion. All of them looked like ten year old boys. It was another method the authorities used to dominate the boys.
Back in the sleeping area each of them was given a single bed with a small chest next to it. “You will keep all your belongings inside when you get your clothing back. For now, there is a toothbrush and a handkerchief.”
It was late so some cold food was given to them and they ate in silence as the other twenty boys came into the cabin.
Not a word was spoken to them and at exactly 10 p.m. the lights went out. Kurt didn’t go to sleep immediately but tried to think about the things that had happened that day. He was especially concerned that some of the activities had made him get a hard on. As he thought about his girlfriend, his hand reached down for his cock. It remained flaccid when it usually stood up and he could pound on it but did not have a good orgasm. Maybe I’m too tired, he thought to himself, and he dozed into a heavy sleep.
Suddenly, he awoke when a band grasped his cock. There was a piece of cloth wrapped around it and before he could yell another band covered his mouth. He was quickly jacked off and left alone. Nothing was said to him.
In the morning when the siren sounded, all the boys jumped out of their beds for morning inspection. When the senior reached Kurt’s bedside there was his own handkerchief lying on top of the chest.
“So, you are so horny you jack off in the night,” asked the senior. “I must put you on report.”
Kurt was ordered to the first officer’s cabin where the man looked at him. “I could take you to the captain for this offense, but I think it will be better if I handle your punishment since it is your first night.” The man let Kurt stand in front of his desk for some time while he finished some paper work.
“I think that you’re too sexed up at night so I will fit the punishment to the crime; so to speak. You will report to me each night. I and I alone will see that you don’t give in to the temptation to jerk yourself off.”
Seeing Kurt glance questioningly at the long wooden paddle hanging on the wall, the first officer smiled faintly.
“That, young man, is for spanking. S-p-a-n-k-i-n-g,” the officer spelled out the word. “Very often juvenile crimes are committed on this ship. We therefore tend to encourage forms of juvenile punishment. That instrument is perhaps a crude disciplinary device but it nevertheless proves to be very effective in instilling a certain awareness of obedience. I’m fortunately well trained in its proper use and with it will help you discover your own humility.”
Kurt felt extremely uncomfortable under the cold steel gaze of the confident first officer.
“Your first session will begin immediately. Come here.”
Kurt reluctantly approached the first officer who swiftly bent him down over his knees. He felt the crispy crease of the officer’s khaki slacks across his lower stomach. Staring breathlessly at the floor, he felt the officer’s muscles tense as he reached for the wooden paddle and then subsequently relax. Kurt prepared himself for the worst.
SMACK! came the first blow.
“That’s hard!”Kurt whimpered. He felt a very intense tingling of heat permeate his firm, reddening buns. Along with feeling the burning discomfort he felt sort of silly because he hadn’t been paddled like that since very early childhood. His parents had become strict followers of the Spock school of thought when he was just starting kindergarten and they believed that spanking had adverse effects on a child’s development. Kurt sensed that his plea had had its desired effect when he heard the officer drop the paddle on his desk. But to his painful surprise, he felt another sharp WHACK!
Kurt could hardly believe that this was happening to him. As he got progressively used to the slaps coming from the palm of the officer’s hand, his cock began stirring. He shifted his weight without interrupting the forceful, authoritarian rhythm
Before long, Kurt’s dick was rock hard, wedged against the underside of the officer’s right thigh. Each carefully measured blow delivered to his bare asscheeks seemed to increase the momentum of blood rushing to his swollen penis. Suddenly unconscious of the embarrassing circumstances surrounding this new experience, Kurt collapsed entirely onto the officer’s lap as ounces of his sperm were expelled into the air.
“Naughty, naughty, now look what you’ve done.”
This condescending statement (one which seemed so perfect for the situation) brought Kurt back to reality. He opened his eyes.
A pang of guilt shot through Kurt as he examined the gooey mess dripping down the folds of the officer’s sock.onto his spotless deck shoes.
The officer quickly stood up.
Kurt, caught off balance and completely unawares, fell directly to the floor. His pelvis and chin both smarted.
- “Young men like you obviously find delight in shunning responsibility. You should have already cleaned up this untidiness!”
Kurt started to get up but stopped when he felt a shoe planted squarely in the middle of his back. One swift, dexterous kick had Kurt sprawling back down onto the floor.
“With your tongue!”
At this point Kurt knew better than to protest. He went straight forward to the task of lapping up his own salty sperm. He tried to hide the pleasure he experienced in tasting his own cum for the very first time by dramatically exaggerating his canine-like behavior.
“Enough! On your feet!”
Kurt obediently responded by heaving himself to an upright position. He kept his posture rigid and his eyes straight ahead. “Your lessons have begun satisfactory. Report to me tomorrow evening and on each evening thereafter until further notice for the necessary follow-up therapy.”
During this week when they began working a full day, Kurt realized that whatever job he was given was designed to show off his cock to the others. For instance, he was told to scrape off paint on a ceiling. To do this he had to use a ladder and balance himself with one foot on the ladder and his other foot stretched over to a beam. This left his crotch wide open and everyone seemed to pass under and through his spread legs. If the boys had a chance, they would give his cock a tug and so Kurt seemed to be working with a hard on all the time. By the end of the first week Kurt and the other three boys were so hot and horny for sex they hardly knew what to do. They were also aware that any signs of cum on their bedding would be reported and this would bring on severe punishment.
At the beginning of the second week, the captain gave them their tank tops but this didn’t reach low enough to cover their cocks. It only seemed to emphasize their nudity even more.
That night after the lights went out things began happening that set the stage for the next two months for Kurt. The senior told the four new boys that the first week was designed to break them in and that none of them had been able to have any kind of sex at all. Since the new boys were resposible, they would have to make up for the others loss of sex for that week.
“You will all crawl from one bunk to the next and suck each of us off. You know that no telltale signs must appear so you will dispose of all the cum by swallowing it.”
Kurt had played around with one of his friends one time a few years before but wasn’t sure if he could take that much cum, he told the senior. One of the other boys practically refused to suck anyone’s cock but said he didn’t mind getting fucked. It was decided that half the older boys would get sucked while the other half screwed the new boy.
The senior seemed pleased at this arrangement and stood up. “Remember, you guys, you can’t cheat or we’ll all be in trouble. If you don’t swallow everything or hold it in your ass, you’ll get a double punishment. Once from the captain and then from each of us if they find any signs of cum.” When the youngest of the new boys said he didn’t think he could swallow that much cum, they laughed and thought it was very funny. And to demonstrate that it was easy they pointed to Kurt and gave him a forced lesson.
“The cum has to go someplace and there are only two possibilities: down the hatch or up your ass.”
Kurt balked at the idea of having an erect penis up his ass. He’d had an enema at a hospital once when he was much younger. The ripping sensation of the rubber hose shoved up his ass by the nurse had traumatized him so much that he still had occasional nightmares about that trying ordeal. So he naturally chose to suck off the senior’s cock. After all, he reasoned, it couldn’t be that bad…
The senior was half-sitting, half laying spreadeagle on one of the small, single beds. In no time at all his dick was full-mast and throbbing.
Kurt got on his knees between the senior’s legs. He bent his head down to get a better look at the guy’s cock and he got a whiff of a stale piss odor. He’d never sucked a cock before in his life. Of course, there’d been the normal strip poker and mutual jack-off nights in the neighborhood treehouse but that had been before he’d even started high school and no cock had ever penetrated his virgin lips there.
“C’mon,” urged the senior. He shoved his hips upward so that his cockhead pressed against Kurt’s lips. The pearl of pre-cum that Kurt had been examining got inadvertantly smeared on his upper lip.
“Shit,” he muttered and lifted his head up. As a chef might do in order to verify the flavor of a sauce, Kurt brought his shining tongue out and slowly smacked his lips. Hmmmmm.
“Enough of this bullshit,” one of the bigger built guys said. He came over and clamped a forceful grip onto the back of Kurt’s neck and pushed his face into the senior’s crotch. Knowing that his stalling was over, he loathingly opened his mouth.
Kurt hadn’t had the time to feel the cock get past his lips. The senior’s buddy had pushed his head down so fast that all Kurt felt was the painful pressure of a thump against his adam’s apple.
He gagged.
“Damn, this fucker’s gonna haf-ta learn t!ie hard way.”
The hand started lifting up and forcing back down Kurt’s head at an incredible speed.
“Ahhh, fuck, he’s a biter!” screamed the senior.
Kurt was so oblivious as to what he was being forced to do that he didn’t even realize that his teeth were starting to scrape the bloated cockshaft.
“Bastard!” the senior’s buddy spat at him. He quickly lifted Kurt’s head up, smacked him violently across the face with the back of his left hand and forced him back down over the senior’s dick so that he was swallowing it again. Kurt felt like some kind of force-fed farm animal.
To the unexpected blow across the face he couldn’t react—didn’t have the time to react—and didn’t want to react.
“This is what it’s all about,” he thought. “Sucking cock, this is what it’s like.” His head was spinning.
Gradually the hand was removed and the velocity at which Kurt was sucking on the senior’s dick didn’t decelerate. Although a lot of things passed through Kurt’s mind during those first few moments, he was predominantly at peace. He kept repeating to himself, “So this is what it’s like; this is how you do it.”
Pretty soon Kurt got the impression that the senior’s body was one tensed mass of muscle. When the cock started to jism, Kurt took it as far down into his throat as he could and discovered that he could lick the senior’s balls at the same time. When the senior’s cock started to shrivel and go limp, Kurt noticed that a little blood had trickled out of his smashed nose down into the senior’s mesh of pubic hair. He took a little extra time to lick up all of that scarlet juice, too. He knew that they couldn’t leave any tell-tale signs…
Thus, Kurt and one of the new boys began going from bunk to bunk where a pair of hands guided their heads onto a hard cock. The half that wanted to fuck lined up at the end of the single bed and waited in turn to get their nuts off.
Kurt found he didn’t mind the various amounts that squirted into his mouth although he was surprised at how different each boy tasted. Another thing that startled him was that throughout the evening his cock stayed as hard as a rock. When he finally got to the last, the boy popped off and then held Kurt firmly in his arms while one of the other boys gave Kurt’s cock a good sucking.
The next morning one of the boys who had been screwed all night stayed too long on a toilet and an officer ordered him to sickbay for an ass inspection. It was obvious he knew the reason for which the boy had a tender hole, but he had to make it sound official.
After the first night Kurt soon realized that the boys played at these sex games every night. Since they were only aboard for short periods of time and there were new boys constantly arriving, the part of the senior in the sleeping cabins rotated from boy to boy. Kurt began enjoying this sexual activity and soon found he was looking forward to devising new variations for the newcomers. The officers’ roles became evident in that they knew what was going on and encouraged most of it in order that they could select individuals for their own amusements. But that is another story that Kurt learned some time after he got released and got into some trouble six months later.