The Lusty Sergeant25 min read

The Lusty Sergeant

By Martin Levy

This uncensored excerpt of unbridled man-to-man sex is from the best-selling Guy Press paperback. THE LUSTY SERGEANT, by hailed stroke writer Martin Levy. In this vibrantly lewd story Sergeant Biff Parker, tough as nails, proves to be the hardest-bitten S.O.B. at Camp Pendleton. The Marines are supposed to make men out of mere boys. Sgt. Parker sees to this personally—no matter what. In this excerpt, the sarge has confined newcomer Jack Brailsford to the barracks for an apparently trifle reason. The trifling motive becomes stifling as Sgt. Biff starts assaulting the close quarters of Jack’s spittle-slicked mouth and his newly-recruited, virgin ass.

(THE LUSTY SERGEANT, a Guy Press paperback by Martin Levy is available HERE. And will be available as an ebook soon.)

Jack watched the barracks empty as he sat on his rack. Christ, there wouldn’t be much to do tonight. There was the chow hall, then maybe he could tune in on the boob tube down the way. Sarge would probably be in later to make sure he was there. Most of the guys would be back around eleven. He’d hear their drunken stories about one slut or other, or how somebody puked all over himself. Christ, in spite of everything, he’d love to be with them now!

The young man pounded his fists against the mattress, then slid down, his bare feet touching the iron frame of the small bed. Folding his hands behind his head. Jack stared up at the metal ceiling, closed his eyes and felt himself drifting lazily into unconsciousness. The hot weather helped. The last thing he remembered was Sergeant Biff’s eyes—strong, glittering, wide as they focused in on Jack’s cock outline.

He didn’t know how long he’d been unconscious. There was a crashing sound, a bang that knifed through his dreams and jerked him awake. Jack shot up, his eyes wide open.

Biff was in front of his rack, one hand gripping the mattress while the other was looped over his web belt. That bastard had slapped his mattress several times, beating it until he had bolted upright. Jack had to bite his tongue. Damn, he wanted to call that fucker every name he could think of!

“Sleepin’ Beauty, eh Brailsford? The latrine needs some cleaning. You can get your beauty rest some other time. You’re confined to this fuckin’ barracks for a reason, and you’re gonna learn from it. Now get your damned ass outta the rack and get to work.”

Jack rubbed his eyes, swinging his legs over the edge of his rack. The door was closed. Through the dirty glass he could see the last light of the sun. It had to be around seven-thirty. Shit, he’d missed chow. His growling stomach told him that as well as the dimming light outside. And now he had the pleasure of Biff Parker for his company. Standing up and looking around, Jack thought he caught the Sarge running his fingers over the front of his trousers.

“Having trouble understanding English? I said get your ass in gear and.., move!”

Biff took Jack by one arm and hauled him from the side of his rack. That was enough… too much! The young Marine jerked free, wheeling around and doubling his fists. Hatred surged through him like lava. Biff had shoved him over the brink. The harassing, the inspection, and now this! That fucker had a good beating coming to him. He was big, but not that big!

“You goddamned motherfucker!” Jack shouted, jerking one leg behind the other for balance while he crouched down like a panther ready to spring. He was breathing hard, his eyes widening, his face turning white as his body got ready for attack. “You’ve pushed me, man, pushed me too far.”

Droplets of spittle sprayed from his mouth. Biff sneered at him, not even apparently surprised by this outburst. He leaned back, crossing his arms again, almost laughing at Jack. The young Marine almost went crazy when he saw this nonchalance.

“So, you think you’re a man, huh? You think you’re man enough to take me on?”

Biff unfolded his arms, taking his combination cover off and laying it down on a nearby rack. Keeping his eyes fastened on Jack, he slowly unbuttoned his gabardine khaki dress shirt, draping it over the mattress.

The young Marine saw with a little apprehension Biff’s thick arms, broad chest, and especially the big knuckles that could probably shatter a man’s jaw. He remembered those stories about the Sarge in Nam, about how he’d disappear with some guys at night and come back with a grin on his face. A lot of Cong bit the dirt, and probably none too pleasantly that night. Biff could take him apart piecemeal. Well, let him. He’d pushed him as far as he could go.

“Yeah, I’ll take you on… I’ll….”

Biff moved like lightning, jabbing a right into Jack’s belly, then following up with a quick left hook against his jaw.

The young blond Marine wheeled back, his head spinning around from the shock of the blow. He kept his fists out in front of him, his feet tangling with a nearby rack. The metal bed clattered against another as Jack struggled to regain his balance.

“You’ll what?”

Biff was still sneering, his body poised for attack.

Jack sidestepped another punch, landing both fists into the Sarge’s belly.

“Fucker!” Biff growled, keeping his balance as he spun around and drove a right again into Jack’s jaw.


The power of that punch was like a bomb! Lights sprang into the young stud’s head as he staggered back, collapsing on his ass.

“You’re gonna take me on, huh?” Biff said, swaggering over to the door and making sure it was locked. He checked for personnel outside, then drew the small curtain over the window. Criss-crossing his arms, he pulled off his sweaty green T-shirt and pants and threw them on the floor. “Yeah, you’re gonna take me on, alright fucker. But it’s gonna be in a way you never thought of,” he said, scratching his balls and that long, thick bulge that was getting harder by the minute.

“Hey, Sarge. What the fuck?”

Biff was standing there wearing only his jockstrap. The ribbed pouch pulled away from his groin, pushed out by his meaty cock and balls. The big Marine dropped one hand and cupped his fingers around the bulge, squeezing it until a dark stain appeared on the material. Jack swallowed hard, sensing what was going to follow.

“Sometimes the only way to handle you fuckin’ recruits is to pound some sense into you. I got a special hammer for that,” he said in a thick voice.

Jack’s eyes dropped to the sergeant’s groin. Yeah, he could damn well guess what kind of “hammer” Biff had to swing. Jack looked around. There had to be a way out, somewhere he could run to to get away from that cock-heavy stud.

“Man, don’t try anything dumb like breakin’ for it,” Biff warned, pushing his thick-muscled legs apart. “I’ll get you before you even make it past the bed. And then…”

The threat was enough. Jack eased back onto the rack, wondering what was going to happen next.

“Now you’re gonna wet this thing down for me… get it nice and juicy. Don’t wanna hurt you by shovin’ this cock in dry.” Biff said.

With that, he curled his fingers around the elastic waistband of his strap, pushing it down. Jack watched fascinated, seeing the double-flanged head appearing at the top of the pouch. Biff shoved down slow purposely, studying the young Marine, watching his growing excitement as he exposed more and more of his ass-splitting dork.

“Hey, come on, Sarge. Come on. I don’t wanna… wanna do something like that,” Jack said, wiping the back of one hand nervously over his mouth. He could barely speak.

“Yeah, sure you do, kid. You wanna wrap those lips around it and suck real hard. Man, that’s what I need right now—a fuckin’ good blow-job, and that’s what you’re gonna give!”

Jack didn’t have time to protest. Biff strode up to one side of the rack, his jockstrap stretched tightly around his thighs, his fat cock swaying from side to side like a thick tree limb in the wind.

“Hey, don’t I—”

Biff told him to shut up, sliding one hand behind Jack’s head and pulling at his hair.

“Now you listen to me, cocksucker—’cause that’s what you’re gonna be. You’re gonna swing on this dick, gonna suck it ‘til I tell you to stop. Now SUCK!”

With that, Biff slid his knees against the rack, jerking the young Marine’s head around until it was shoved against his groin. The Sarge groaned, his body shuddering as his dick slid up the side of Jack’s face.

“Man, don’t, don’t,” he groaned.

But the young Marine couldn’t deny the fact that his own cock was stretching, getting good and hot and hard, pressing up against the front of his boxers. He thought about Jeff, about the other guys, about what they’d say if they could see this… Sarge making him give head. Shit, he’d never live it down.

“Yeah, you want it, kid… you want it, sucker, so take it!”

Biff jerked his hips back and forth, rubbing his cock against Jack’s lips. The young man tried again to pull away. But Biff was stronger, yanking on his hair, threatening to pull it out. When Jack protested again, the Sarge took him by the throat and shook.

“You’re gonna suck cock, understand? And if you try something cool like biting, man, they’re gonna find pieces of you tonight all over the place.”

Jack understood, understood only too well. He nodded his head, swallowing hard again. Biff grunted and pulled back, trailing the tip of his rod over Jack’s lips. He liked doing that, liked watching someone turn onto something they originally hated.

“Open up, man.”


It was in his mouth! Fuck, it was in his mouth! Jack gagged, wanting to throw up as those hot inches of cock-meat filled his mouth. He felt the big blue veins rubbing against the insides of his cheeks, tasted something awfully salty and bleachy. Cum! Shit, that fucker was going to come in his mouth!

“Hey, man, I told you to take it.

I ain’t foolin’ around with you anymore. Get that tongue around my rod. That’s it. fucker, move it, move it up and down… uugghhhh… oh yeah, yeah, real fine—”


“Yeah, you’re gaggin’, kid. But you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

To his surprise, Jack found he was starting to like this. He liked having something that big and hot and hard in his mouth, scraping against the sides of his cheeks. He liked having that salty flesh brushing over his tongue. And man, he thought he’d go out of his mind when that thick cock-oil started really bubbling out of Biff’s cock-head. The salty taste made him swallow until his mouth and throat were coated with a thick film of the stuff.

“Lick it, man. Yeahhhh, tongue it, suck it. Get it good, man. Get my cock. Get my meat, take it down your throat!” Biff ordered as he centered his cock in Jack’s mouth and slowly pulled his head forward and down.

Jack, meanwhile, was working on his dick, having pulled it out from his shorts. He was jerking away, feeling his balls jiggling from the force of his fingers. Yeah. Christ, this was terrific! He could see why Barney back in Charleston dug swinging on his dork! Of course, he wouldn’t do this all the time. But he had no choice now, did he?

“Shit! You ever do this before, kid? Christ, you’re better ‘n those fags hangin’ around downtown Diego,” Biff groaned.

Biff was going crazy now, his head jerking back and forth, his forehead wrinkled while his hips rotated around. The big Marine’s cock twisted in Jack’s throat, making the kid gag. Yeah, fuck, yeah… in spite of it being hard to breathe. Jack loved having that hunk of meat being rammed into him. He liked the smell of that crotch, the feel of those wiry cock-hairs tickling the insides of his nostrils.


Jack wanted to keep the Sarge’s cock in him. Hell, he liked the feel of the long fat-headed dork inside his mouth. There was something almost comforting about having a stud like Biff fucking him in the face. Leaving his dick alone for a few seconds, he wrapped both hands around the Sarge’s hips and pulled himself tight against the big man. Yeah, he let the Sarge fuck him crazy in his mouth. He felt those strong leg muscles catch him tight in their grasp. The two of them rocked back and forth until Jack started gagging for breath. He felt the room around him growing dark and started trying to pull back.

“Man, more, more,” Biff was groaning, tightening his grip on J ack’s head while pistoning his rod into the kid’s mouth.

“Man, you sure dig sucking off cock. I wouldn’t’ve guessed it. But shows a guy can be wrong,” Biff said, pulling his cock out.

“I’m not gonna cum in your mouth. I got other plans for you,” Biff said, wrapping his fingers tight around his dick and squeezing hard until he calmed himself down. Then, reaching down, he took Jack by the arm and jerked him off the bed until he stood up against him. The kid was paralyzed, almost as if every ounce of strength and will had been sapped from him. He felt Biff’s cock pressing against his belly, felt his own dick rubbing up and down against the senior Marine’s crotch.


Biff didn’t give him a chance to say anything. He circled both arms tightly around his waist, hugging him so fuckin’ tight the kid could hardly breathe! Then he dropped his head and planted a lip-lock so hard on Jack that the young Marine could feel Biff’s teeth grinding against his.


He fought back, jerking both arms back, punching into the stud as hard as he could. But shit, that son-of-a-bitch was as strong as a fuckin’ ox! Biff held onto him, working his tongue into his mouth, sucking out his spit while hunching that dick against his body. And what the fuck was going on behind him? Those fuckin’ hands of his were sliding down, down from his waist to his ass! Shit, Biff was going to fuck him! In a flash of realization, Jack was aware that the asshole was going to ream out his butt! He struggled again, feeling Biff’s body pressing even harder into his. That fucker was flicking his tongue into his throat, groaning into that spit-slicked kiss while kneading his buns through his shorts.

And hell, he liked it! That fucker knew it! He was diggin’ this, wanting more. Biff had him hunching back, groaning into his mouth while giving him his ass!

“Down you go.” Biff said, his voice thick.

Reaching down, the Sarge pulled down those pre-cum stained briefs, then pushed Jack back onto the rack. He turned around and shot one last peep through the curtains covering the small window over the door. No, nobody was coming. Biff turned around and walked back over to the rack.

“Get over on your belly,” he growled.

Jack’s eyes widened. No, he wouldn’t do it. Biff couldn’t make him. He wouldn’t….

“Move it!”

He looked at those hypnotic eyes and obeyed. He was a Marine. He always obeyed orders from a superior, even if they were fucked-up ones like these. Jack tucked one leg under the other and rolled over, punching his fists into the small pillow and resting his head on it.

He felt Biff sitting down at the end of his rack, felt the Sarge’s fingers sliding up his legs, pushing up his sweaty T-shirt to his shoulder blades.


Biff was between his legs, probably kneeling, fingering his ass.

“Nice butt, man. Nice and smooth, just waitin’ for a hot cock like mine to split it open,” Biff whispered.

“No, Sarge. no…”

“Man, don’t gimme that shit!” he said, laughing at the kid’s protests. “You’re so fuckin’ hot, you wanna shoot off right now.”

To prove his point, Biff reached down and slid one hand under Jack’s groin, grabbing hold of a fistful of hard dickmeat. He started squeezing rhythmically, rubbing his fingers back and forth until he had the kid humping the bed.

“Yeah, see what I mean? You want dick bad, baby, and dick’s what you’re gonna get.”

Biff braced his hands on Jack’s thighs, then dropped his head. Jack could feel the Marine’s heavy breath on his butt. Then… fuck, what the hell was that bastard doing? Shit, he was licking his butt, lapping his hot skin like some kind of goddamned dog! And man, did it feel good! Jack groaned into the pillow, punching his fists harder into the soft material, hunching his cock into the rack. And then… fuck, Biff was shoving his damned tongue into his ass-crack! Yeah, the guy was goin’ wild, tonguing him like that, flicking his tongue in and out real fast until Jack thought he was going to pop his nuts right there.

“Oh man, stop it.., hey, slow down… ugghhh,” Jack groaned.

‘Too much, eh kid? Too much for you?” Biff growled, pulling his face out of the kid’s ass and wiping his chin with the back of one hand. “When I sink my cock into your butt, then you’re really gonna start moanin’.”

Biff was back to his tonguing, curling it, driving it against the kid’s asshole, making Jack press his knees into the mattress and shove his buttocks into the Marine’s face. And Biff seemed to be getting deeper with that fuckin’ thing, spreading his ass-cheeks with both hands down and sticking his tongue into that shitter!


“Hang on, you motherfucker! Gonna see what kind of man you are. Gonna see if you can take a man’s dick up your fuckin’ ass!”

Jack curled his fingers, digging the tips into the mattress while he bit down hard on his lower lip. It was gonna happen! It was really gonna happen. He was there, trapped, held onto by that big motherfucker who was going to fuck his ass! The kid felt Biff’s legs pressing into the backs of his, felt those thick-muscled arms holding hard onto him, keeping him in place while that fat dick-head was jabbing his shitter.

“No, man, no…he pleaded.

Jack shuddered as he felt a shot of cool air from the room blow into his steamy shit-chute. That was followed by the hot, wet touch of the Marine’s cockhead.

“Yeah, shit-head, yeah. Gonna split you open with this thing.”

Jack knew Biff’s mind was spinning out of control. The Sarge was humping that hard cock up and down his sweaty buttcrack, calling him all kinds of names. At the same time, he eased one hand down to his crotch, wrapping his fingers around Jack’s dick and starting to jerk him off.

“Now, man,” Biff growled.

He hunched down and forward, ruthlessly pressing that cock-head hard against Jack’s helpless, puckered, spit-slicked brown hole.


It was as if someone were trying to shove a spear up into his ass! Jack’s eyes widened, his mouth shot open and a rush of air came out. He couldn’t shout, couldn’t do anything except kneel there and let that fucker ram him blind!

“Christ, you’re tight like a fuckin’ clam! Loosen up kid, or it’s gonna kill you,” Biff warned, gripping Jack harder around the waist as he tried a second time to slam his cock up that virgin ass.

“Take it out, man, take… ughhhh… take it… take it out!” Jack cried, his face red and pinched from the pain. Christ, he thought someone was stabbing him in the butt! Biff held onto him still, jabbing that goddamned cockhead against his shitter, trying to work that big thing into his bowels! Stars popped in front of his eyes while the big Marine kept trying to fuck him.

“Ain’t no… ughhh… no way I’m gonna stop now, kid,” Biff growled.

Jack grunted again, feeling his lungs empty of air as the pressure against his shithole turned more and more into a sensation of sharp pain.

“Take it, you goddamned son-of-a-bitch. Take it, you motherfucker!”


It was giving way! Yeah, the little shit was actually opening up to him! Biff grunted with satisfaction, pressing his thighs harder against the backs of Jack’s legs and hunching down.


Jack cried out, realizing that Biff was making some headway. His reluctant sphincter was giving way to the attack, puckering in from the relentless force of Biff’s bulbous cock-head. He felt his belly tighten, rumble, then turn over as more of that fat cock-head plowed up into his bowels!

“Ohhhhhh fuck!” Jack cried, feeling dizzy.

“Yeah, shit. Man, I’m gonna plow down so hard I’m gonna shove shit right into your fuckin’ mouth,” Biff whispered, feeling his nuts tighten up again.

“No, man, no, take it out. Christ, I can’t… shit, it’s gonna kill me….”

“Then take it, you bastard! Take it, you fuckin’ shit-head, take it!” Biff growled.

Biff grunted, his face flushed deep red from the effort of fucking the helpless kid. Sweat matted down the hair on his head and chest, oozing in rivers down his cheeks and belly as he slapped Jack’s buttocks hard, driving more and more of his impaling cock-head deep up into Jack’s gut.

“Take it out! Shit, I’m gonna bust… bust apart! Ohhhhh… f-f-f-fffuuuucccckkkkk!”

“Relax, you little fucker, or well be here all fuckin’ night.”

Jack’s thrashing and screaming grew less and less as his dick throbbed between Biff’s fingers. The big Marine hunched down again, sliding another two inches of his impaling cock up into Jack’s ass. With that kind of routine. Biff finally had all his rigidly massive cock stuffed deep up into the kid’s butt. He shuddered, letting his head fall forward as he sucked in air to feed his oxygen-starved body.

“Feel good, man? Feel good to

have a man’s dick stuffed up your fuckin’ butt?”

Jack didn’t answer. He couldn’t admit to it, couldn’t admit to himself that Biff was right. Shit, it was good having something like this happening to him. It was crazy, didn’t make sense at all. There wasn’t anything in his life that could explain the way he felt now. His world was turned upside-down. Later, much later, he’d try to figure it out.

“Go on, ask for that cock, kid. Beg for it. Fuck, I wanna hear you beg for my dick,” Biff grunted, placing both hands on Jack’s shoulder blades, arching back and slamming his dick rhythmically up into the kid’s helpless butt.

“Fuck… ohhh fuck…” Jack groaned.

No, he wasn’t going to beg for dick. No, man, he wasn’t going to let that sick son-of-a-bitch know just how much he was enjoying this.

“That’s it, man, beg for it.”

Biff was starting to edge his fat cock out, pulling out inch by inch, feeling the drag of the kid’s bowels behind the flanges of his cockhead.

“Fuck! Shit, don’t pull it out. Fuck, don’t pull it out!”

Damn it! What the fuck was he saying? Couldn’t he keep his damned mouth shut? He was acting like some kind of silly fag talking like that. And yet he couldn’t help turning into a wild animal, begging for a screwing from his merciless drill sergeant. His hips started working from side to side, his knees sliding on the seat-stained top-sheet while his tight sphincter muscles contracted and relaxed like a second mouth sucking dick. Yeah, he was milking that fucking cock, silently begging for more!

“Shithead! You’re so fuckin’ cock-hungry you’re goin’ outta your fuckin’ mind!” Biff growled.


Jack had finally given up trying to get away from the driving dick. The pain was quickly changing into something else, something halfway between agony and pleasure. Whenever Biff shoved down, he thought that cock-head would come right out of his mouth. He lurched forward, his head striking the curved quonset hut wall. And shit, the way that bastard was working on his dick, he was sure he was going to pop off any second. Biff flicked one forefinger over the drooling dick-head, lubing down his cock-skin with the seepage.


“Here we go, fucker. I’m hot in the saddle,” Biff grunted.

He was pulling his cock out until only the flanged head remained trapped just inside the kid’s red asshole. Biff reached down with his free hand and rubbed his balls, feeling them twitch with that light touch. Yeah, it was something else, taking a look down and seeing those manly globes turned helplessly up to him, split apart, speared by his long, fat dork! He watched as the thick veins roping around his cock throbbed in time to his pulse. Yeah, the kid was going to have one hell of a load of jizz in his ass!

“Uhhhhh,” Jack groaned, half in pain, half in gratitude as he felt Biff sliding his punishing cock back up inside his brutally ravished ass.

“Man, gonna… gonna make it soon,” Biff warned in a choked voice.

“Yeah, do it, do it, do it… NOW!”

Jack didn’t have any control over himself. He felt his balls tighten, start to churn, send up long hot strings of cum through his jerking dick. Yeah, he was going to shoot, shoot right into the mattress while that brutal bastard filled his butt with cum!


Biff heard the kid suck in a ragged breath and knew he was going to blow his load. Biff dropped down onto Jack’s back, nestling his head between his jutting shoulder blades. Turning his face, he bit the flesh, nearly breaking skin as his own pistoning dick throbbed like crazy in that musky little asshole. Two more hard thrusts and he felt the jizz burning in his fat dickhead.


The world seemed to be coming apart in front of him. Jack felt his cum spraying out, thudding against the mattress while his balls pumped out more. At the same time, he felt Biff’s dick thrashing in his bowels, seeming to grow even bigger.

“Shootin’… ugghhhh… shootin’ that cum up your fuckin’ shitter!”

Biff felt the scalding cum blast up from his nuts, shoot down the long tube that ran through the center of his fat dick. The jizz packed up for a second in his dickhead before it sprayed out and deep up into Jack’s butt.


Jack sighed loudly, dumping his steamy load onto the mattress, feeling the sheet under his knees getting wet with cum while more and more jizz filled his ass. The two men kept humping like that, shooting over and over until finally they collapsed in a tangled heap of arms, legs, bellies and hands.

“Man, what a fuck,” Biff whispered, the first one to speak. “You got a trained butt there, man. Gonna take more of it later on.” he said, slapping it playfully.

Jack shivered, feeling Biff pulling back, feeling his asshole lining shrinking back to normal size behind the retreating dick-head. When that fat bulb finally slipped out from the grip of his sphincter, Jack shivered again, feeling his cock twinge a little. Again, he wondered what the fuck he had done. Again he thought of his buddy Barney back in Charleston.


“No, what? Kid, you ain’t got much of a choice. You do what I say around here or I’m gonna make life fuckin’ miserable for you. Now get the fuck in the showers, wash up and change those damned sheets. Don’t want anybody guessin’ what’s been goin’ down here, right?”

Biff stayed around for a while, making sure Jack cleaned himself and his rack. Then slapping the kid on the butt and rubbing a thumb into the cum-slicked asshole, he left, warning Jack not to say anything if he wanted his head still screwed on in the morning.

What the fuck did I do? Jack wondered to himself, resting his head on the pillow and folding his hands behind him. He closed his eyes. No, he wasn’t thinking about Barney anymore. He thought about his reaction to Biff—how he actually enjoyed having his ass split open like that! Christ, he actually enjoyed it!


He groaned at that thought, turning over and covering his face with one hand. No, he couldn’t face the guys tonight. He had to think about what happened, kind of sort it out so he could deal with it. Would there be more nights like this, more nights when Biff purposely kept him on base so he could fuck his ass? And if that were a possibility, why was his pulse racing with excitement? Shit, it was too much for him to handle right now. Better get some sleep and think about it in the morning. He stretched out on his bed and covered his head with his pillow. Jack felt a series of shivers dance down his spine to the crack of his ass as he sensed that what happened tonight was only a beginning….

One Response

  1. Fuckin’ great excerpt—it sure has got me jerkin’ off! I appreciate the nasty language and how the Sergeant licks the guy’s shithole that he’s about to fuck. I like how the sergeant uses both hands to spread the guy’s butt cheeks before he sticks his tongue inside. I also like that the introduction refers to the author as a “stroke writer”. Fuck yeah, I’m strokin’ my hard dick right now!

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